Page 14 - DMEA Week 39
P. 14

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Egypt kicks off $2.5bn

       hydrocracker project

        EGYPT            EGYPT has kicked off the $2.5bn Mosto-  Petroleum Minister Tarek El-Molla said on Sep-
                         rod hydrocracking project at the Assiut oil  tember 28.
       The complex will break   refinery in central Egypt. A ceremony was   “Work is being done to achieve self-suffi-
       down fuel oil into more   held at the construction site on September  ciency in Egypt of gasoline and diesel by 2023,”
       valueable products.  27 led by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah  he said, estimating the country would import
                         El-Sisi.                             some 3.5mn tonnes (25.7mn barrels) of refined
                           The complex will break down fuel oil and  fuels this year at a cost of $1.5bn. Egypt took
                         annually produce 4.7mn tonnes of petroleum  10mn tonnes of fuels from overseas in 2016, at
                         products, including high-octane gasoline and  a cost of $4.5bn.
                         diesel compliant with Euro-5 standards, LPG,   New refineries need to be built and existing
                         jet kerosene, naphtha and coke. It is operated by  ones need to be made more efficient, the minis-
                         Assiut Oil Refining, a subsidiary of state-owned  ter said at a Mostorod ceremony. Consumption
                         Egyptian General Petroleum.          also needs to be rationalised, and more vehicles
                           International contractor TechnipFMC  converted to run on natural gas, he said.
                         secured an engineering, procurement and con-  Egyptian authorities have been trying to
                         struction (EPC) contract worth over $1bn to  convince drivers to switch to gas for years, in
                         build the complex in July, covering its vacuum  order to reduce costs and reduce pollution in
                         distillation diesel hydrocracking, delayed cok-  major cities. The Egyptian government has
                         ing, distillate hydrotreating and hydrogen pro-  said it wants to see as many as 1.3mn vehicles
                         duction units.                       converted to use gas, up from around 318,000
                           Egypt is a net importer of fuel as a result of  currently. El-Sisi even announced in July that
                         years of declining production and rising con-  licences would not be issued to new cars unless
                         sumption. It is investing in a host of new down-  they run on gas.
                         stream projects to try to turn this trend around.   Egypt wants to draw from its large offshore
                         Some of these schemes have been shelved or  gas reserves. National gas production began ris-
                         cancelled since the coronavirus (COVID-19)  ing again in 2017 after years of decline, thanks to
                         pandemic hit, however.               the start-up of the Zohr project led by Eni. The
                           The country can become self-sufficient  Italian major and its partners have since made a
                         in petroleum products by 2023, Egyptian  number of other offshore discoveries. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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