Page 19 - DMEA Week 39
P. 19

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Sirte oil refinery resumes          imports and exports, Reuters reported on   of the state government offices. They carried
                                           October 1.
                                                                                banners calling for the restructuring of the
       output after Maetig-Hafter          Venezuela’s exclusive economic zone at 1:45   Forces for Freedom and Change in El Gezira,
                                              The Iran-flagged vessel Fortune reached
                                                                                the dismissal of employees affiliated to the
       deal                                a.m. local time (0545 GMT), following the   former regime, a system of quotas in the civil
                                           same route as the Forest, which docked at
                                                                                service, and a mechanism to control market
       Sirte Oil Company announced yesterday   Venezuela’s El Palito port on September 30 to   prices.
       that it has resumed production at its oil   discharge fuel, according to Refinitiv Eikon   The demonstrators condemned the failure
       refinery in Brega. The resumption comes   tanker tracking data and sources.  of the governor to provide sufficient bread,
       after the Maetig-Hafter agreement led to   The third vessel in the flotilla, the Faxon,   fuel, gas and sugar for the state, and called for
       the resumption of Libyan oil production-  is due to arrive later this week to complete a   an investigation into the supply of basic goods
       exports. The refinery, Libya’s oldest oil   delivery of some 820,000 barrels of Iranian   to El Gezira.
       refinery, had been closed for about seven   gasoline and other fuels to Venezuela’s state-  North Darfur Governor Mohamed Arabi
       months.                             run PDVSA, according to the data.    told people in El Fasher who were protesting
         Fadeel Abdelmola, head of the refinery’s   The vessels have so far crossed the   against high prices, power failures, and the
       Production Department, said yesterday that   Atlantic Ocean without any disturbances,   long lines of people waiting to buy bread, fuel,
       preparations for the resumption of refining   according to the data.     and cooking gas, that “this is the situation
       started as soon as the lifting of force   PDVSA and Venezuela’s oil ministry did   in the whole of Sudan, including the capital
       majeure was announced last week.    not reply to requests for comment.   Khartoum”.
         He revealed that he expected initially the   Venezuela and Iran, both under U.S.   He attributed the high prices of basic
       production of about 350,000 litres of diesel   sanctions crippling their oil industries,   commodities in North Darfur to the high
       per day, which will be followed by petrol   have strengthened collaboration this year   costs of transport. He acknowledged that
       and kerosene production in the coming   by boosting bilateral trade that so far has   the price of a sack of flour is SDG550 in
       weeks and months. He said fuel will begin   included crude, condensates, fuel, refinery   Khartoum, SDG960 in El Fasher, and even
       to be pumped to Brega Marketing Company   parts, gold and food.          higher in other localities of North Darfur.
       which in turn will start distributing fuel   The foreign ministries of both nations   Arabi said that the power failures in
       across its network to the whole country.  had a virtual meeting on Monday to discuss   North Darfur were the result of not being
         It will be recalled that Libya is suffering   trade and a proposal by Venezuela’s President   connected to the national grid. Connecting
       from acute fuel shortages, including diesel,   Nicolas Maduro to form a coalition of   North Darfur to the national electricity grid
       petrol and cooking gas which have led   countries affected by what they called   will cost $250mn, he said. A better provision
       to high black-market prices. Libya has   “unilateral sanctions.”         of electricity would mean a better provision of
       been importing petrol for years as it does   The Iranian fuel is desperately needed   drinking water.
       not have the refining capacity to meet its   in the South American country, where long   Bread protests were organized in
       domestic demand.                    lines of drivers are waiting for gasoline at   Khartoum and Port Sudan recently as well.
         The shortages have also contributed   service stations as domestic production at
       to the demonstrations across Libya   PDVSA’s refineries remains insufficient to
       precipitating in political fallouts, including   meet demand.            Saudi Aramco ships first
       the shooting at demonstrators, the     Protests over the lack of gasoline and
       suspension of the Tripoli Interior Minister   basic services such as water, power and   cargo from Jizan refinery
       and the provisional resignation of both   cooking gas have also grown, according
       of Libya’s contesting western and eastern   to non-governmental organizations in   Saudi Aramco has exported its first shipment
       government.                         Venezuela.                           from the new Jazan refinery on the Red Sea
         The resumption of operations at Sirte Oil   “If ships arrive from Iran or wherever,   to Singapore, in what is the clearest indication
       refinery will help alleviate these shortages   and even if gasoline is distributed, protests   that the 400,000 bpd facility is in the advanced
       and black-market prices as well as save   will continue in claim of other rights,”   stages of start-up.
       Libya on its fast depleting hard currency   Marco Ponce, director of an organization   Aramco has chartered the UACC Eagle to
       reserves..                          monitoring social conflict, told journalists on   send 475,000 barrels of gas oil to Singapore
                                           September 29.                        from Jizan, according to data analytics
                                                                                company Kpler.
       Second tanker carrying              New bread and fuel protests          in August that the first treatment is expected
                                                                                  Aramco CEO Amin Al-Nasser announced
       Iranian fuel reaches                in Sudan                             to start in Jizan by the first quarter of 2021.
                                                                                  It is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia sent
       Venezuelan waters                   Protestors demonstrated against high bread   two shipments of crude to Jizan last year in
                                                                                preparation for the start of operation, as 2mn
       The second of a group of three Iranian tankers   and fuel prices in El Gezira and North Darfur   barrels arrived in October and another 2mn in
       entered Venezuelan waters on September 30,   in Sudan on September 30.   November, according to Kpler data.
       carrying fuel for the gasoline-starved nation,   Members of Resistance Committees from
       which is struggling under a collapsing oil   Wad Madani, capital of El Gezira, organised
       industry and U.S. sanctions that have crippled   a demonstration, and a protest vigil in front

       Week 39   01•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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