Page 17 - DMEA Week 39
P. 17
Baker Hughes scores major deal
at Qatar’s North Field
QATAR BAKER Hughes has secured an order for multi- Hughes plant in Italy.
ple main refrigerant compressors for the North Six of North Field’s existing trains use Frame
Baker Hughes describes Field East (NFE) LNG project in Qatar, describ- 9E gas turbines supplied by the US firm. Baker
the deal as one of its ing the win as one of its largest deals in five years. Hughes’ compression technology will reduce
largest. NFE represents the first stage of an expansion CO2 emissions by 60,000 tpy per train without
project for the North Field that will raise Qatar’s compromising on liquefaction capacity, the
liquefaction capacity by 33mn tonnes per year company said.
to 110mn tpy. First gas is expected by the end of QP awarded a contract in August to Air Prod-
2025, Baker Hughes said. ucts for gas liquefaction technology and equip-
“This milestone deal illustrates the contin- ment at NFE.
ued strength of Baker Hughes’ partnership with Qatar is also planning the second expansion
Qatar Petroleum (QP), which began 25 years stage at North Field, which will ramp up produc-
ago upon our delivery of the first LNG train in tion to 126mn tpy by the late 2020s. Despite the
Qatar,” Baker Hughes CEO Lorenzo Simonelli current glut in global LNG supply, the country
said. “As we look ahead to the next two decades, says its production costs, which it describes as
in almost any scenario natural gas will be a key the lowest in the world, will ensure the extra gas
transition fuel, and likely a destination fuel for finds customers.
a lower carbon future. Building on our track
record of delivering proven, reliable and highly
efficient LNG technology, we remain committed
to taking energy forward in Qatar for more years
to come.”
Each of NFE’s four trains are fitted with three
Frame 9E DLN Ultra Low NOX gas turbines
and six centrifugal compressors, meaning Baker
Hughes will supply 12 turbines in total to drive
24 compressors. Packaging, manufacturing and
testing of the equipment will take place at a Baker
QP launches ULSD production
QATAR QATAR’S state-owned Qatar Petroleum (QP) Now that the Mesaieed plant in the south can
has launched production of ultra-low-sulphur supply the domestic market with ULSD as well,
The diesel contains only diesel (ULSD) at its 137,000 barrel per day (bpd) however, more of Ras Laffan’s volumes are avail-
10 parts per million of refinery in Mesaieed, after upgrading its hydro- able for export.
sulphur. treatment units. ULSD has grown steadily in value over the
“We are pleased to announce this new addi- years as increasingly strict rules on emissions
tion to our products, which supports two of have been put in place in the transport sector.
our strategic objectives – continuous efficiency QP did not specify the quantity that would be
improvements and environmental excellence,” produced.
QP CEO Saad Sherida al-Kaabi said in a state- The Mesaieed refinery relies on crude oil and
ment on September 27. condensate feedstock supplied from the Dukhan
The diesel contains only 10 parts per million field, as well as condensate from the North field.
of sulphur, in line with Euro-5 emission stand- The facility’s other main products are gasoline,
ards for fuel. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), naphtha, light
Previously QP could only produce ULSD at gas oil, jet fuel, fuel oil and decant oil.
its 146,000 bpd Ras Laffan 2 refinery in north- QP completed front-end engineering design
ern Qatar, which primarily serves the domestic (FEED) work for the facilities needed to produce
transport market. It only exports its fuels occa- ULSD in 2018. They included a new residue fluid
sionally, in cargo lots of 40,000 tonnes (290,000 catalytic cracker and a light-gasoline hydrotreat-
barrels). ment unit.
Week 39 01•October•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P17