Page 16 - DMEA Week 39
P. 16
Siemens to provide cryogenic BOG
compression train for NLNG
NIGERIA THE Nigeria LNG (NLNG) consortium has and smooth negotiations virtually.”
arranged to acquire a cryogenic boil-off gas The German company also highlighted its
The compression (BOG) compression train from Germany’s own leading role in boil-off gas compression
train will be built in Siemens. for LNG production, noting that its fleet of cry-
Germany. The German conglomerate confirmed the ogenic BPG compressors had already been in
contract award last week, noting in a statement service for a total of 4.2mn hours.
that the BOG compression train would be “NLNG’s selection of our cryogenic BOG
installed at NLNG’s gas liquefaction plant on compression technology is a testament not only
Bonny Island. The unit includes two centrifugal to the reliability and performance of our existing
compressors from Siemens Energy, and it will equipment at the plant, but also to our focused
be driven by a high-efficiency electric motor, the service and ability to meet local content require-
statement said. ments through our in-country presence. The
Siemens intends to manufacture, test and new BOG compression train will contribute to
package the BOG compression train at one of NLNG’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas [GHG]
its facilities in Duisburg, Germany. It is slated to emissions in a highly sustainable manner,” said
deliver the unit to the LNG plant in the fourth Arja Talakar, Siemens Energy’s senior vice-pres-
quarter of next year. ident for industrial applications products.
As of press time, Siemens had not revealed Equity in the NLNG consortium is split
the value of the contract. It did state, though, between NNPC (49%), Royal Dutch Shell (UK/
that it had been co-operating with NLNG since Netherlands, 25.6%), Total (France, 15%) and
1999, when the consortium first commissioned Eni (Italy, 10.4%). The consortium has been
its plant. producing LNG since 1999 and already has six
Matthew Russell, Siemens Energy’s head of production trains in place at its gas liquefaction
LNG industrial applications products, also noted plant. Together, these trains have a capacity of
that negotiations on the new contract had fol- 22.5mn tonnes per year (tpy).
lowed a slightly different path. “Because of cur- Earlier this year, NLNG took a final invest-
rent restrictions brought on by the [coronavirus] ment decision (FID) on the construction of
COVID-19 pandemic, all discussions between another production train. The new unit, which
Siemens Energy and NLNG were conducted will be known as Train 7, will push total out-
remotely via virtual meetings,” he explained. put up by 7.2mn tpy to 30mn tpy, with the new
“In the end, proactive planning, perseverance production facility contributing 4.2mn tpy and
and the long-standing relationship between the the debottlenecking of existing trains adding
companies facilitated seamless communication another 3.4mn tpy.
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 39 01•October•2020