Page 26 - MEOG Annual Review 2021
P. 26

MEOG                                            DECEMBER                                               MEOG

       Jordan to launch new

       exploration effort

       Amid recent licensing round failures, Jordan’s  state-backed approach
       is seen as a prudent means of demonstrating the country’s potential.

        JORDAN           JORDAN intends to begin a new phase of explo-  nine-month study of the two blocks in 2012 but
                         ration in the south-east of the country amid  declined to enter a longer-term deal.
                         efforts by the National Petroleum Co. (NPC)   The Jafr block covers 10,662 square km
       WHAT:             to increase output at the Hamza oilfield to the  directly to  the south of  Sirhan,  while the
       Jordan’s NPC is set to   north.                        10,841-square km Dead Sea block lies in the
       begin new exploration   Speaking on state TV this week, Minister for  central west along the border with Israel, and
       efforts in the south-east   Environment Saleh Al-Kharabsheh said that  the North Highlands and West Safawi blocks are
       of the country as it works   exploration work would be carried out by NPC  located in the north and border with Syria.
       to expand output at the   in the Jafr and Sirhan concessions, which were   Excluded from both the 2017 licensing round
       only producing oilfield.  named among nine ‘open areas for exploration’  and the latest effort is the Risha block in the far
                         in promotional materials published earlier this  west – source of the kingdom’s only current gas
       WHY:              year by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral  production. BP relinquished control to the gov-
       Recent bids to attract   Resources (MEMR).             ernment in 2014 after five years of unproductive
       interest from IOCs have   Al-Kharabsheh added that the state oil firm is  exploration. A four-year production-sharing
       failed to drum up interest   currently carrying out a detailed study “to con-  agreement (PSA) was awarded to UK-registered
       following the departure of   sider drilling three medium-depth wells at the  Egyptian-owned company IPG in March 2016
       BP and Shell last decade.  Jafr site”.                 that also covered the East Safawi block. However,
                           In April, head of the MEMR Hala Zawati said  further updates have not been forthcoming and
       WHAT NEXT:        that the Azraq, Sirhan, Jafr, West Safawi, Dead  the company’s UK subsidiary was dissolved a
       Amman is dependent   Sea, North highlands, Sirhan Development,  month after the contract was signed.
       on imports for around   Petra and Rum acreages would all be opened up   State-owned NPC has since been awarded
       90% of its oil and gas   for exploration, though none are understood to  a 50-year contract for Risha as well as PSAs for
       demand and strategic   have yet been apportioned.      East Safawi and the Hamza field, where the com-
       relationships with its   All but Sirhan Development, Petra and Rum  pany recently completed the first phase of a pro-
       neighbours will continue   were included in an ill-fated licensing round in  ject to expand production.
       to be the norm even if a   2017, which was extended following a lack of   In July, Prime Minister and Minister of
       major find is made.  interest.                         Defence Bisher Al Khasawneh formally initi-
                           Several have been extensively explored – by  ated work phase two of the rehabilitation pro-
                         heavyweights of the calibre of BP and Royal  ject which has so far increased output at the field
                         Dutch Shell, both of which withdrew during the  from just 5 barrels per day to around 1,500-2,000
                         first half of the decade – with extensive 2D and  bpd. The first phase, which was launched in
                         limited 3D seismic surveys conducted.  December 2020, delivered a total of 52,000 bar-
                           All the areas have been explored before to  rels of oil to Jordan’s sole refinery at Zarqa, which
                         varying degrees – with the number of wells  is currently undergoing an expansion project to
                         drilled ranging from three at Sirhan to 20 in the  raise capacity from 100,000 bpd to 120,000 bpd.
                         Dead Sea area, according to material on each   At the time, Zawati said that the second phase
                         block published by MEMR.             would see NPC rehabilitate existing wells to
                           Past information indicates that more than  increase production, with tests already carried
                         half of the Dead Sea wells have yielded oil and gas  out to assess the output potential of two of the
                         shows, as have several of those drilled at most of  four wells. She added that Jordanian consump-
                         the blocks. The Petra and Rum blocks are located  tion sits at around 140,000 bpd, the vast majority
                         in the far south-west.               of which is supplied by imports.
                           The adjacent Azraq and Sirhan licences –
                         covering respectively 6,311 and 7,970 square  Imports
                         km in the central east along the Saudi border –  10,000 bpd of crude is trucked over the bor-
                         were also previously offered in a three-block bid  der from Iraq under an annually renewable
                         round in 2014. However, with the tender coin-  deal between the two governments. Talks also
                         ciding with a protracted oil price crash, awards  remain ongoing between Amman and Baghdad
                         were never made. Shell agreed to conduct a  to reach a final agreement on the cross-border

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