Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Enbridge fights pipeline

       battles on two fronts

       The Canada Energy Regulator rejected pipeline operator

       Enbridge’s proposal to change how it allocates capacity on

       its Mainline system this week, while a separate dispute over
       its Line 5 continues in Michigan

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADA’S Enbridge is fighting battles related  monthly basis as before. However, the plan has
                         to two of its major pipelines – the Mainline sys-  now been rejected by the CER.
       WHAT:             tem and Line 5. Last week, the Canada Energy   In a written ruling, the regulator said the plan
       The CER rejected pipeline   Regulator (CER) rejected Enbridge’s proposal to  would “dramatically” change how shippers gain
       operator Enbridge’s   change how it allocates capacity on its Mainline  access to the Mainline.
       proposal to change how it   system. Meanwhile, the next stage of a fight with   “The commission noted that while certain
       allocates capacity on its   Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer over the  companies would benefit from long-term stabil-
       Mainline system.  fate of Line 5 is unfolding via legal action.  ity, others would lose access to the pipeline,” the
                                                              regulator stated. “This would not meet the CER
       WHY:              Mainline plan rejected               Act’s common carriage obligation. This means
       The regulator ruled   Enbridge’s plan to overhaul capacity allocation  that a pipeline company must provide service to
       that the plan would   on the Mainline system has been on the table  anyone who wants to ship their products on the
       dramatically change how   for two years, with the company having applied  pipeline, within reason.”
       shippers gain access to   for the change in 2019. At that time, demand for   A new proposed framework for setting tolls to
       the Mainline, in some   use of the Mainline exceeded its capacity as the  move oil on the system would also “excessively”
       cases to their detriment.  broader Western Canadian pipeline network  favour those with contracts, the regulator found.
                         struggled with takeaway capacity shortages.  “Overall, Western Canadian oil producers
       WHAT NEXT:          The congestion has since eased, first thanks  could suffer too many negative consequences,”
       Meanwhile, Michigan   to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic last  the CER said.
       Governor Gretchen   year, which led to production curtailments,   The Mainline has a capacity of 3mn barrels
       Whitmer has withdrawn   including in Canada’s oil sands, and then thanks  per day (bpd) of crude and is Canada’s longest
       her federal court case   to new capacity, including Enbridge’s Line 3  oil pipeline system, carrying the crude from
       over Line 5, and will   replacement, entering service.  Western Canada to refineries in Eastern Can-
       instead concentrate on a   Under Enbridge’s Mainline proposal, 90%  ada and the US Midwest. It accounts for around
       state lawsuit.    of the capacity would have been sold under  70% of the total takeaway capacity out of West-
                         long-term contracts rather than allocated on a  ern Canada.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   02•December•2021
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