Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Michigan Governor
                                                                                                  Gretchen Whitmer
                                                                                                  is seeking to have
                                                                                                  Enbridge’s Line 5
                                                                                                  pipeline shut down.

                           Enbridge said in a statement that it would  most viable path” towards the permanent shut-
                         re-engage with all stakeholders – including  down of Line 5.
                         shippers and non-shippers on the Mainline – to   This comes after Whitmer’s efforts suffered a
                         help negotiate a new commercial framework for  blow earlier in November when a US District
                         the system. Any new agreement will need to be  Court judge sided with Enbridge and allowed
                         approved by the CER.                 the case to remain in federal court.
                           The Mainline continues to operate under   Also in November, the Canadian govern-
                         an interim tolling agreement for now, with  ment, which recently waded into the fight,
                         Enbridge planning to file a new application with  said planning for bilateral treaty talks between
                         the regulator once it decides, in consultation  Ottawa and Washington over the dispute was
                         with stakeholders, what model would be best.  well underway. If formal negotiations between
                         The company said the negotiations may carry  the two sides fail, the next stage of the dispute
                         on into 2022, with a CER decision then being  resolution process would be binding interna-
                         issued in 2023 following a new review.  tional arbitration.
                                                               Thus far, the administration of US President   Enbridge
                         Line 5 battle                        Joe Biden has not taken a position on the dis-
                         Meanwhile, a separate battle continues for  pute. It appears to be awaiting the findings of   continues to
                         Enbridge over its Line 5 pipeline, which carries  an environmental assessment that the US Army   pursue state and
                         540,000 bpd of crude and natural gas liquids  Corps of Engineers is conducting on Enbridge’s
                         (NGLs) from Western to Eastern Canada via the  tunnel proposal for the Straits of Mackinac.   federal permits
                         Great Lakes region of the US.        Indeed, Enbridge continues to pursue state and
                           Whitmer is seeking to have the pipeline shut  federal permits for the tunnel project, treating it   for the tunnel
                         down, citing concerns over an underwater sec-  as a separate issue from Whitmer’s attempts to
                         tion that runs through the Straits of Mackinac.  shut down Line 5 altogether.  project, treating
                         Enbridge has proposed housing that section of   The Biden administration did say in early   it as a separate
                         pipeline in a new tunnel, but Whitmer is push-  November that it would discuss the future of
                         ing for a complete shutdown.         Line 5 with the Canadian government. No fur-  issue.
                           This week, Whitmer withdrew her federal  ther details on the plans for these discussions
                         court case over the pipeline’s future, and will  have emerged thus far.
                         instead concentrate on a lawsuit filed in state   In the meantime, Enbridge has welcomed
                         court in 2019. Whitmer’s team hopes that drop-  Whitmer’s move to abandon the federal court
                         ping the federal lawsuit will enable the 2019  case on Line 5, saying in a statement that it
                         state case to move forward, even as the Enbridge  would continue to press for affirmation of fed-
                         lawsuit remains in federal court. In a statement,  eral jurisdiction over the pipeline.
                         Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said   The dispute appears set to continue for
                         that the state case remained the “quickest and  some time.™

       Week 48   02•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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