Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Federal acreage
                                                                                                  accounts for around
                                                                                                  a quarter of US oil

       Biden administration proposes changes

       to federal leasing programme

        US               THE administration of US President Joe Biden  the Biden administration’s initial pause to federal
                         has published the findings of its review of the  leasing programmes was overturned by a judge
                         country’s federal oil and gas leasing programmes.  earlier this year, forcing lease sales to resume.
                           The review was launched by the US Depart-  US Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland has   The proposals
                         ment of the Interior (DoI) shortly after Biden  said she wants to reduce the carbon footprint of
                         took office at the start of the year, and its findings  US federal land and waters by encouraging leas-  fall short of
                         had initially been anticipated to be released in  ing for renewable energy sources instead of fossil
                         the summer. No explanation has been given for  fuels. However, the DoI’s proposals do not call  Biden’s election
                         the delays in the run-up to the report’s publica-  for an end to oil and gas leasing. Instead, the rec-
                         tion last week.                      ommendations include adjustments to “royalty  campaign pledge
                           The DoI said in a November 26 statement  and bonding rates, prioritising leasing in areas   to stop new oil
                         that it had found “significant shortcomings” in  with known resource potential and avoiding
                         the US’ leasing programmes. It proposed a series  leasing that conflicts with recreation, wildlife   and gas leasing
                         of reforms to the programmes aimed at ensuring  habitat, conservation and historical and cultural
                         they “provide a fair return to taxpayers, discour-  resources”.            on public land
                         age speculation, hold operators responsible for   US law requires a minimum royalty rate of
                         remediation and more fully include communi-  12.5% for oil and gas produced on federal acre-  and in federal
                         ties and tribal, state and local governments in  age, with this level not having been changed in   waters.
                         decision-making”.                    over 100 years. The report noted that onshore
                           The proposals fall short of Biden’s election  royalty rates for federal oil and gas leases were
                         campaign pledge to stop new oil and gas leasing  “consistently” lower than those for state-issued
                         on public land and in federal waters, however. As  and offshore leases.
                         a result, they came under fire from environmen-  The American Petroleum Institute (API),
                         tal groups for not going far enough, even as oil  an industry group, warned that the propos-
                         and gas industry groups criticised the same pro-  als would place additional cost burdens on
                         posals for being too stringent. This comes after  energy producers.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   02•December•2021
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