Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       positions executed at favourable prices, we   the construction of their first biomethane   the world’s first hydrogen fuelling of a
       have locked in sufficient cash flow to repay   production unit, in Friona, Texas. The   commercial marine vessel was successfully
       acquisition debt in a timely manner, which   biomethane will be used as an alternative fuel   completed on November 18 at All American
       aligns with our stated goal to reduce our total   for mobility, thus contributing to decarbonise   Marine shipyard, and the vessel is now
       debt to a target range of $3.0-3.5bn,” said Bill   road transportation.  beginning its final sea trials before delivery.
       Way, Southwestern Energy president and chief   Located on the Del Rio Dairy farm, the   The event is monumental step towards
       executive officer.                  facility will be fuelled by the onsite supply of   decarbonisation of the worldwide shipping
       SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY, November 29, 2021  livestock manure to produce more than 40   industry and showcases the United States’
                                           GWh of biomethane per year. The biomethane  energy transition away from fossil fuels.
                                           will be distributed in the United States by   The new 75-passenger ferry, called the
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   Clean Energy through its network of fuelling   Sea Change, received hydrogen into its 242
                                           stations, enabling the supply of renewable gas   kg tanks on the upper deck. It uses that
       Chesapeake Energy                   to between 200 and 300 trucks per year.  hydrogen in fuel cells producing electricity to
                                              By processing cow manure, a significant
                                                                                power electric motors for distances up to 300
       launches new ESG site;              source of methane emissions, and substituting   nautical miles, and speeds up to 20 knots –
                                                                                similar capabilities as diesel-powered vessels –
                                           fossil fuels with renewable energies, the
       enhances reporting                  project will avoid some 45,000 tonnes of CO2e  with the added benefits of zero exhaust smoke
                                           emissions per year.
                                                                                or other emissions and very little vibration
       transparency and outlines           into the US biomethane market by jointly   and noise.
                                              “We are pleased to consolidate our entry
                                                                                  The fuel loaded in the vessel’s tanks
       path for achieving climate          developing this first production unit on the   includes green hydrogen, produced in
                                           Del Rio Dairy farm, through our joint venture
                                                                                California by an electrolyser powered with
       goals                               with Clean Energy,” said Laurent Wolffsheim,   renewable solar power, which results in zero
                                           Senior Vice President Green Gases & Growth
                                                                                carbon emissions in the production of the fuel
       Chesapeake Energy today announced the   at TotalEnergies. “This project marks another   as well.
       launch of its environmental, social and   step in TotalEnergies’ transformation   “While it’s taken us years to get to this
       governance (ESG) microsite – a site dedicated   into a multi-energy company, and in the   point, the timing couldn’t be better,” says Pace
       to the company’s ESG reporting and progress   implementation of its ambition to be a major   Ralli, CEO of SWITCH Maritime. “In this
       toward its climate-related targets. In addition   player in renewables.”  moment, our nation is more committed than
       to providing performance data and program   “This project at Del Rio Dairy helps to   ever to making the transition to a carbon-free
       updates, the ESG site outlines a path for   address the increasing demand for RNG   economy. Hydrogen will play a major role in
       achieving the company’s ambitious ESG goals   by fleets and is a great example of our   that future, and major players in the maritime
       including net zero direct greenhouse gas   partnership with TotalEnergies, one of the   industry are ready to decarbonize. We are
       (GHG) emissions by 2035.            world’s leading and most sustainably-minded   grateful to all our partners, and proud to play
         “Operating responsibly and firmly   energy companies,” said Andrew J. Littlefair,   a small role in accelerating the widescale
       embracing a lower carbon future are critically   president and CEO, Clean Energy, “RNG, one   adoption of hydrogen power. Hopefully this is
       important to Chesapeake’s sustainable   of the cleanest fuels on the planet, manages   just the first domino to fall.”
       success,” said Nick Dell’Osso, Chesapeake’s   greenhouse gas emissions and tackles global   The fuelling follows the regulatory
       president and chief executive officer. “With   warming. The added RNG production from   approval in October by the United States
       a dedicated ESG microsite, Chesapeake’s   Del Rio will help us meet our target to provide   Coast Guard (USCG) of the hydrogen
       commitment and path to delivering   this 100% negative carbon emissions fuel at all   powertrain and storage systems onboard the
       meaningful ESG improvements across our   of our North American stations by 2025.”  Sea Change, representing the culmination of
       business are fully transparent. We encourage   Through the acquisition of an interest in   years of cooperation with the USCG focused
       our stakeholders to use the metrics, targets   Clean Energy in May 2018, TotalEnergies   on safely integrating hydrogen power and
       and strategies defined throughout the site to   became the largest shareholder of the U.S.   storage systems on passenger vessels. The
       review our current status and understand the   leader in natural gas vehicle fuels, with a   achievement of this significant milestone
       steps we are taking to responsibly meet today’s   stake of some 19% today. In March 2021, the   unlocks the possibility of many future
       energy needs.”                      two partners set up a 50/50 joint venture to   deployments of similar hydrogen power
       CHESAPEAKE ENERGY, December 01, 2021  speed up the development of biomethane   systems on all vessel types – including ocean-
                                           production in the United States.     going containerships.
       United States: TotalEnergies        TOTALENERGIES AND CLEAN ENERGY,      SWITCH MARITIME, November 30, 2021
                                           November 30, 2021
       and Clean Energy launch             SWITCH Maritime completes
       the construction of their           first-ever hydrogen fuelling

       first biogas unit

       Through their joint venture, TotalEnergies and   of maritime vessel in US
       its US partner Clean Energy are launching   SWITCH Maritime is pleased to announce

       Week 48   02•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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