Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil steps up emissions-cutting

       plans in medium-term corporate strategy

        GLOBAL           EXXONMOBIL announced this week that it  for not going far enough. Andrew Logan, senior
                         had finalised its corporate plans until 2027. The  director for oil and gas at Ceres, which co-or-
                         plans envisage the super-major doubling its  dinates investor action on climate change, was
                         earnings and cash flow by 2027 compared with  quoted by the Financial Times as describing the
                         2019 levels. It intends to achieve this by focusing  new targets as “grossly inadequate”, adding that
                         on “continued structural cost savings, invest-  ExxonMobil was “losing ground relative to its
                         ment in low-cost-of-supply and lower-emission  peers”.
                         products and further portfolio high-grading”.  The targets mark the first time that Exxon-
                           In addition, the plans include ramping up  Mobil has updated its corporate strategy since
                         spending on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission  nominees of activist hedge fund Engine No. 1
                         reduction efforts to $15bn over the period up to  won three seats on the super-major’s board ear-  ExxonMobil’s
                         2027. ExxonMobil said it had developed “more  lier this year. The fund is aimed at meeting the
                         aggressive” plans to target Scope 1 and Scope  challenges of the energy transition, but links   shares are up
                         2 emissions – those produced directly from its  sustainability with profitability. Its campaign
                         operations and indirectly from electricity, steam,  for seats on ExxonMobil’s board focused on   around 60%
                         heating and cooling required to power its opera-  claims that the company’s financial perfor-
                         tions respectively.                  mance would suffer if it did not do more to  since November
                           The new targets include cutting compa-  decarbonise, and this argument won enough   2020.
                         ny-wide Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity by  shareholder support to secure three board
                         20-30% by 2030, and upstream intensity by  seats out of four targeted.
                         40-50% over the same period. Its previous goal   ExxonMobil’s shares are up around 60% since
                         was an intensity reduction of 15-20% by 2025 for  November 2020, when Engine No. 1 bought
                         its upstream business, but it said it had already  them, and while this could also be the result
                         met that target this year.           of rising oil and gas prices, this compares with
                           ExxonMobil is also targeting a 70-80% cut in  an increase of roughly 30% for rival Chevron’s
                         company-wide methane intensity and a 60-70%  shares.
                         reduction in flaring intensity by 2030.  Charlie Penner, who ran Engine No 1’s Exx-
                           The updated targets fall short of the more  onMobil campaign before recently leaving the
                         aggressive decarbonisation goals adopted by  fund, was quoted by the Financial Times as
                         European super-majors, all of whom have set  saying the super-major’s increased low-carbon
                         out plans to pursue net-zero GHG emissions in  spending was positive “if the focus is building
                         the long term. Unsurprisingly, environmental  scalable and profitable businesses, versus gener-
                         groups criticised ExxonMobil’s updated targets  ating advertising”.™

       Week 48   02•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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