Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Cenovus announces nearly

       $515mn of asset sales

        CANADA           CANADA’S Cenovus Energy has reached sep-  (NGLs) accounted for around 38% of this. That
                         arate agreements to sell nearly CAD660mn  transaction is anticipated to close in December
                         ($515mn) worth of upstream and downstream  this year.
                         assets.                                “With these latest transactions, we now
                           On the downstream side, Cenovus has agreed  expect to realise more than CAD1.1bn [$858mn]
                         to sell its Husky retail fuels network, comprising  of total proceeds from sales announced in 2021,”
                         337 gasoline stations, to two Canadian firms,  Cenovus’ president and CEO, Alex Pourbaix,
                         Parkland Corporation and Federated Co-op-  stated.
                         eratives, for CAD420mn ($328mn) in cash.   The transactions come after Cenovus
                         The sale is expected to close in mid-2022. The  achieved its interim net debt target of CAD10bn
                         network belonged to Husky Energy, which  ($7.8bn) in November. Pourbaix previously
                         Cenovus acquired earlier this year. In this week’s  attributed the achievement to a combination of
                         statement, Cenovus noted that it would retain  proceeds from asset sales and higher revenues
                         its commercial fuels business, which includes  from stronger oil and gas prices.
                         roughly 170 cardlock, bulk plant and travel cen-  The company said this week that the proceeds
                         tre locations.                       from the latest transactions would advance net
                           Federated Co-op said the deal was the largest  debt repayment towards its longer-term target of
                         acquisition in its history.          CAD8bn ($6.2bn) and would boost its capacity
                           On the upstream side, the company has  to increase shareholder returns. Cenovus has
                         agreed to sell conventional assets in Wembley,  already doubled its quarterly dividend as of this
                         Alberta, primarily targeting the Montney play,  quarter.
                         for CAD238mn ($186mn) in cash to an undis-  Cenovus, which is Canada’s third largest oil
                         closed buyer.                        and gas producer, previously paused a number
                           The assets are estimated to have produced  of planned asset sales when oil and gas prices
                         3,200 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)  collapsed last year, but has since revived efforts
                         on average in 2021. Oil and natural gas liquids  to shed non-core operations.™

       Chevron unveils 2022 capex budget of $15bn

        GLOBAL           CHEVRON has unveiled a capital expenditure  of its overall spending for 2022 at $2.3bn. The
                         and exploratory budget of $15bn for 2022. This  US downstream segment is set to account for
                         is at the low end of the super-major’s initial $15-  the majority of this at $1.7bn, while interna-
                         17bn budget plan, but would still be above its  tional downstream spending of $600mn has
                         projected spending for 2021 by more than 20%.  been earmarked.
                           The capital programme includes roughly   Chevron’s chairman and CEO, Mike Wirth,
                         $800mn that has been earmarked for “low-  said in a statement that the 2022 capex budget
                         er-carbon spending”, Chevron said. However, it  reflected his company’s “enduring commitment”
                         excludes expected inorganic capital of $600mn  to capital discipline as the global economy con-
       Chevron has allocated   in anticipation of the formation of a renewable  tinues to recover from the coronavirus (COVID-
       around $3bn worth of   fuel feedstocks joint venture with Bunge, the  19) pandemic.
       upstream spending for   super-major added.               The company also announced that it was rais-
       next year to the US’   Under the 2022 programme, $6.4bn will  ing its share buyback guidance range to $3-5bn
       giant Permian Basin.  be earmarked for the company’s US upstream  per year, up from prior guidance of $2-3bn per
                         segment. Its international upstream segment  year. This comes as large and small publicly listed
                         will account for $6.2bn of the budget, for a  companies alike continue to face mounting pres-
                         combined $12.6bn to be spend on upstream  sure to prioritise returns to shareholders over
                         activities.                          growth.
                           Around $3bn worth of upstream spending   “We’re a better company than we were just a
                         for next year has been allocated to the US’ giant  few years ago. We’re more capital- and cost-ef-
                         Permian Basin, with another $1.5bn for other  ficient, guided by a clear and consistent objec-
                         shale and tight assets globally.     tive to deliver higher returns and lower carbon,”
                           Chevron’s downstream segment is set to  Wirth stated. “And this enables us to return more
                         account for a considerably smaller proportion  cash to shareholders.”™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   02•December•2021
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