Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Shell completes $9.5bn Permian

       sale to ConocoPhillips

        PERMIAN BASIN    A subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell has completed  on “value over volumes” and “disciplined stew-
                         the sale of its Permian Basin business to Cono-  ardship of capital”. The super-major is under
                         coPhillips for $9.5bn in cash. The transaction  mounting pressure to decarbonise its operations
                         includes Shell’s 225,000 net acres (911 square  and has been shedding some of its oil and gas
                         km) in the basin and current production of  assets in line with this.
                         175,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).  However, at the same time, news has emerged
                           The sale is the latest in a series of mega-deals  that Shell is considering a return to Libya. Two
       The purchase of Shell’s   centred on the prolific Permian Basin.  sources told Reuters this week that the company
       Permian assets makes   According to data analytics firm Enverus,  had a plan to develop new oil and gas fields and
       ConocoPhillips the   the purchase of Shell’s Permian assets makes  infrastructure, as well as a solar project, in the
       second-largest producer   ConocoPhillips the second-largest producer in  North African country. Reuters also cited a sen-
       in the basin.     the basin. It had previously ranked fourth after  ior company source as saying that the Permian
                         acquiring Concho Resources at the start of 2021.  sale to ConocoPhillips had freed up about $1bn
                           “After waiting patiently on M&A opportu-  for other upstream activities.
                         nities through the land-rush years of the shale   Shell said that the cash proceeds from the Per-
                         boom, Conoco has been able to pick up prime  mian transaction would be used to fund $7bn in
                         Permian real estate at what looks to be attractive  additional shareholder distributions, with the
                         price points,” Enverus’ senior mergers and acqui-  remainder used for further strengthening its bal-
                         sitions analyst, Andrew Dittmar, was quoted by  ance sheet. Indeed, on December 2, a day after
                         Bloomberg as saying.                 the transaction closed, Shell said it had started up
                           Shell reiterated that the deal reflects its focus  to $1.5bn of share buybacks under this plan.™

       Chesapeake launches $1bn

       worth of stock buybacks

        US               SHALE  producer Chesapeake Energy has  the long term,” he added.
                         authorised the repurchase of up to $1bn of its   Dell’Osso was recently appointed as Chesa-
                         stock. The move is the latest to illustrate the focus  peake’s CEO after Doug Lawler abruptly stepped
                         on shareholder returns among shale drillers.  down in April. After Lawler’s departure, Mike
                           The company estimates that the total cash  Wichterich briefly served as interim CEO prior
                         dividends to be paid to shareholders in 2022  to Dell’Osso’s appointment in October.
                         will range from $800mn to $1bn, based on its   On top of the changes in leadership, Chesa-
       Chesapeake has pivoted   latest outlook and the current commodity price  peake has been through a period of turbulence,
       back to natural gas   environment.                     in large part thanks to the coronavirus (COVID-
       after emerging from   “Despite the volatility in commodity mar-  19) pandemic. The company entered Chapter
       bankruptcy protection.  kets, our cash flow projections remain robust,  11 bankruptcy protection last year following
                         supporting a $1.75/share base dividend plus  the collapse in oil prices that followed the onset
                         a variable dividend equal to 50% of our free  of the pandemic. It emerged from bankruptcy
                         cash flow,” Chesapeake’s president and CEO,  protection in February 2021, having eliminated
                         Nick Dell’Osso, stated. “The addition of a $1bn  roughly $7bn worth of debt.
                         equity buyback programme, which we expect   Since its emergence from bankruptcy, Ches-
                         to execute over the next 24 months, highlights  apeake has pivoted back to natural gas – its
                         the advantages of our disciplined capital allo-  original focus – following a period of targeting
                         cation strategy, our resiliency through com-  oil production under Lawler. In November,
                         modity price cycles, and our commitment to  the company completed its acquisition of Vine
                         maintaining a capital reinvestment rate in our  Energy, which expanded its footprint in the
                         business to sustain our current cash flow over  Haynesville shale gas play.™

       Week 48   02•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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