Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Language) as the new reporting language for   expected to reduce permitted CO2 emissions   beyond the low-carbon energy initiatives
       FERC filing forms 1, 1-F, 3-Q (Electric), 714,   at Rio Grande LNG by more than 90%   currently in development by KMI’s business
       2, 2-A, 3-Q (Natural Gas), 6, 6-Q & 60 starting  without major design changes to the Rio   units.
       from Q4 2021.                       Grande LNG project. As a result, Rio Grande   “While we continue to remain disciplined
         Glacier is built on a Data Point Model   LNG is expected to be the greenest LNG   and focused on attractive returns when
       (DPM) to facilitate easy conversion of   project in the world.           evaluating investment opportunities in these
       financial data into XBRL and make reports   “Efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas   new ventures, we are extremely pleased to
       ready for submission to the FERC. Once the   emissions are at the very foundation of our   announce the formation of this new group at
       data is ready, users can quickly prepare XBRL   company,” said Matt Schatzman, NextDecade’s   a time when energy markets are evolving both
       reports using pre-filled templates with FERC   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “The   nationally and abroad,” said Steve Kean, CEO
       taxonomy and save time.             launch of NEXT Carbon Solutions comes   of KMI. “Jesse and Anthony have the ideal
       DATATRACKS, March 16, 2021          at a pivotal time for our nation and the   skill sets to lead this organisation, with more
                                           world, and we are eager to demonstrate the   than 50 years of combined experience in the
                                           transformative and impactful contributions   energy and banking industries.”
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   this business will make to the global energy   “This is an exciting time in the energy
                                           industry and the quest toward a net-zero   sector,” said Arenivas. “As public policies,
       NextDecade launches NEXT            future.”                             including tax and other government
                                                                                incentives, align with ESG objectives, our
                                           NEXTDECADE, March 18, 2021
       Carbon Solutions                                                         unparalleled asset footprint provides a solid
                                                                                footing to facilitate the energy transition.”
       NextDecade announced the formation of   Kinder Morgan announces            The team consists of a group of in-house
       NEXT Carbon Solutions, a wholly owned   formation of new Energy          financial, commercial and engineering talent
       subsidiary of NextDecade that is expected                                that will focus on analysing and quantifying
       to: develop one of the largest carbon capture   Transition Ventures group  opportunities for additional assets and service
       and storage (CCS) projects in North America                              offerings tailored to the ongoing energy
       at NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG project;   Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) today announced   transition. They will focus on customer
       advance proprietary processes to lower the   that it has formed a new Energy Transition   outreach and business development activities
       cost of utilising CCS technology; help other   Ventures group within Kinder Morgan to   in pursuit of those new ventures, which
       energy companies to reduce their greenhouse   identify, analyse and pursue commercial   may include services like carbon capture
       gas (GHG) emissions associated with the   opportunities emerging from the low-carbon   and sequestration, renewable natural gas
       production, transportation, and use of natural   energy transition. The group, led by Jesse   capture, hydrogen production, renewable
       gas; and generate high-quality, verifiable   Arenivas, president of energy transition   power generation, electric transmission and
       carbon offsets to support companies in their   ventures and CO2, and Anthony Ashley, vice   renewable diesel production.
       efforts to achieve net-zero emissions.  president of energy transition ventures, will   KINDER MORGAN, INC., March 12, 2021
         NEXT Carbon Solutions’ CCS project is   focus on broadening Kinder Morgan’s reach

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   18•March•2021
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