Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       Expansion of the pipe segment would provide   points anywhere from Savannah, Georgia   at December 31, 2020. In the first quarter of
       the New Mexico market additional access   to Miami, Florida. The market for LNG as   2021, the company operated nine of its 17 US
       to refined products from El Paso-area and   a bunker fuel is accelerating as more LNG   based rigs and eight of its 20 based Canadian
       Gulf Coast refineries via Magellan’s extensive   powered ships are put into service. JAX LNG   rigs and is looking forward to a potential
       pipeline system.                    and Polaris New Energy are prepared to   recovery in drilling activity over the balance of
         The capital-efficient expansion would   support the shipping industry’s important   2021. Karl Ruud, AKITA’s president and chief
       increase the pipeline’s capacity by more   effort to reduce its carbon footprint by using   executive officer stated: “Activity levels in 2020
       than 5,000 barrels per day (bpd), to a new   LNG, an environmentally friendly fuel that   were decimated by the end of the first quarter.
       total capacity in excess of 30,000 bpd. The   can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over   We responded by implementing a deep cost
       higher capacity could be available in mid-  20%.”                        cutting initiative across the entire Company
       2022 following the addition of incremental   Last week, NorthStar, through a newly   and are now in position to benefit from
       pumping capabilities.               formed entity, Seaside LNG Holdings, LLC,   increased activity levels. Our aim in 2021
       MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, March 18,   closed on a $137mn debt financing facility   remains debt reduction and I was pleased we
       2021                                supporting its interest in JAX LNG and Polaris  accomplished CAD10mn in debt reduction
                                           New Energy. Proceeds from the financing will   over the course of 2020 despite the reduction
                                           be used to fund construction of the JAX LNG   in operating days.”
       DOWNSTREAM                          expansion and the ATB.                 Furthermore, the company is pleased to
                                           NORTHSTAR HOLDCO ENERGY, March 18, 2021  announce that it has recently been awarded
       NorthStar announces                                                      two geothermal drilling projects: one in
                                                                                Alberta and a second in British Columbia,
       significant progress on             SERVICES                             whereby a portion of the revenue generated
                                                                                will benefit AKITA’s First Nation partner,
       expansion of its LNG                AKITA announces the                  Saulteau First Nations. AKITA will continue
                                                                                to pursue opportunities aligned with its
       projects and closing of a           continuation of corporate            commitment to social responsibility and
                                                                                welcomes an opportunity to establish itself as
       new debt financing facility debt reduction plan and                      an industry leader in geothermal drilling.
                                                                                AKITA DRILLING, March 15, 2021
       NorthStar HoldCo Energy, a portfolio   annual results
       company of funds managed by Oaktree                                      FERC regulatory reporting
       Capital Management, is pleased to report   AKITA Drilling weathered the impact of the
       that the expansion of JAX LNG and the   severe economic slowdown, attributable to the   made easy with DataTracks’
       construction of the 5,400 cubic metre LNG   COVID-19 global pandemic that curtailed
       articulated tug barge unit (ATB), Clean   drilling activity over the last three quarters of   flagship cloud-based
       Canaveral, continue as expected towards   2020 by implementing a cost cutting initiative
       being in service by Q4 2021. In addition,   across the entire company and has emerged   application, Glacier
       NorthStar recently closed on a $137mn   well positioned for what appears to be the first
       debt financing facility to support these LNG   signs of a recovery in drilling activity. Despite   DataTracks announced the launch of their
       expansions.                         operating days decreasing in both Canada   flagship application to help oil, natural gas,
         NorthStar and its partner at JAX LNG,   and the US by 41% and 32% respectively   and service companies comply with new
       Pivotal LNG, a subsidiary of BHE GT&S, are   in 2020, AKITA achieved CAD10mn of   regulations introduced by the Federal Energy
       tripling the facility’s production capability   debt reduction over the course of the year,   Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the US.
       to 360,000 gallons per day and doubling   effectively reducing its total debt from   The commission has decided to adopt
       LNG storage capacity to fourmn gallons.   $84mn at December 31, 2019 to CAD74mn   XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting
       The JAX LNG facility has been in service
       since the fourth quarter of 2018 and,
       through its integrated LNG marine loading
       dock, JAX LNG has safely completed more
       than 150 deliveries of LNG to the Clean
       Jacksonville bunker barge. JAX LNG has
       also been servicing additional customers in
       the shipping, over-the-road trucking and
       aerospace segments.
         “With the excellent support we have from
       our construction contractors, we are excited
       to commence our expanded operations,
       particularly for our new anchor customer
       beginning its LNG-powered voyages in 2022,”
       said Tim Casey Senior Vice President – LNG
       for NorthStar. “The expansion of JAX LNG
       and the construction of the Clean Canaveral
       will allow us to supply our existing customers,
       take on new customers and deliver LNG to

       Week 11   18•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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