Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Mountain Valley extension

       scores legal victory

        NORTH            A proposed extension of the Mountain Valley  connect, will ever be completed. That pipeline
        CAROLINA         pipeline, known as the MVP Southgate project,  has also experienced its share of legal battles and
                         has won a legal victory in the 4th US Circuit  was lacking three sets of permits at the time the
                         Court of Appeals. Last week, the court over-  decision was made, in August 2020. However,
                         turned a decision by North Carolina’s Depart-  two sets of those permits have subsequently
                         ment of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to deny  been regained and Equitrans Midstream, the
                         a water permit for the project, saying the depart-  company developing both projects, is attempt-
                         ment had not adequately explained why it had  ing to find an acceptable way forward for the
                         denied the permit.                   third.
                           The 4th Circuit ordered the North Carolina   A hearing officer said at the time of the rejec-
                         regulators to address two issues. The first is  tion of the permit for MVP Southgate that the
                         inconsistent statements from a hearing officer  extension would effectively be redundant if the
                         who at one point found that the project had less-  mainline was not completed. And while Moun-
                         ened its impact on water bodies “to the greatest  tain Valley has some way to go before its fate is
                         extent possible”. The second is why the DEQ  certain, it appears to be a step closer to being
                         opted to deny the certification outright rather  built.
                         than granting conditional approval. While the   An MVP Southgate spokesman said fol-
                         department would be able to reject an applica-  lowing last week’s court decision that the pro-
                         tion for the permit again, it would need to pro-  ject would work with the North Carolina DEQ
                         vide reasons for doing so that would stand up in  to satisfy any concerns that it may have. But a
                         court.                               statement from the department to a local radio
                           Local media reported that the denial of the  station noted the “unnecessary risk” the pipe-
                         permit had been based in large part on uncer-  line would pose to bodies of water in the state,
                         tainty over whether the main Mountain Val-  suggesting that there is some way to go before an
                         ley project, to which MVP Southgate would  agreement can be reached.™


       Ovintiv reportedly nears Eagle Ford sale

        TEXAS            US independent Ovintiv is reportedly at the  acquisition of Newfield Exploration in 2019.
                         advanced stage of talks over a potential sale of   A deal between Ovintiv and Pontem could
                         its acreage in South Texas’ Eagle Ford shale for  be announced as soon as this week, according
                         over $800mn. The buyer has been identified  to Reuters’ sources, though there is no guarantee
                         as Pontem Energy Capital, a privately owned  that it will be finalised.
                         energy investment firm, by sources familiar with   Ovintiv acquired the Eagle Ford assets from
                         the matter that were cited by Reuters last week.  Freeport-McMoRan in 2014 for about $3.1bn.
                         Neither Pontem nor Ovintiv have commented  The fact that it is now selling them for almost a
                         on the matter.                       quarter of this illustrates how much the value of
                           Denver-based Ovintiv – which was previ-  shale acreage has declined in the years since as
                         ously known as Encana and headquartered in  crude prices have languished. Two of the sources
                         Canada – is in the midst of a multi-year debt  told Reuters that Pontem’s bid for the assets was
                         reduction programme, which includes generat-  well above what was rivals were offering, after the
                         ing around $1bn from asset sales. The company  sale attracted multiple private equity bidders.
                         announced in February that it had also agreed to   The company has gradually narrowed its
                         sell its Duvernay assets in Alberta, Canada for  focus to a handful of core assets in the US’
                         around $263mn to an anonymous buyer. It said  Permian and Anadarko basins, as well as the
                         at the time that the deal had put it on track to  Montney shale play in Canada. As well as the
                         reduce debt to $4.5bn by the end of 2022.  Duvernay and Eagle Ford positions that it is exit-
                           Ovintiv’s debt stood at around $6.9bn at  ing, it also has assets in the Bakken and the Uinta
                         the end of 2020, having been increased by the  Basin, which are considered to be non-core.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   18•March•2021
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