Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                  Murphy intends to use the proceeds to
                                                                                repay borrowings under the $1.6bn senior
                                                                                unsecured credit facility, with the remainder
                                                                                to be held for general corporate purposes.
                                                                                With the previously announced pending
                                                                                redemption of its 2022 Notes, Murphy will
                                                                                have no near-term debt maturities prior to
                                                                                the November 2023 expiration of its revolving
                                                                                credit facility.
                                                                                  The King’s Quay FPS is more than 90%
                                                                                built and is scheduled to go into service in
                                                                                mid-2022. King’s Quay FPS is designed to
         During the year, Topaz invested   of Diamondback common stock for each   process 80,000 barrels of oil per day and
       CAD171.5mn of capital on additional   share of QEP common stock issued and   100mn cubic feet of natural gas per day, and
       high free cash flow margin assets which   outstanding immediately prior to the effective   will handle the anticipated production from
       contributed annualised 2020 EBITDA of   time of the merger, with cash to be received in   the Khaleesi/Mormont and Samurai fields.
       CAD19.5mn. To date, Topaz has assembled   lieu of any fractional shares. As a result of the   “We are pleased to announce the
       a material royalty position in the Cretaceous   merger, QEP common stock will no longer be   completion of this transaction. Coupled with
       Clearwater play in Alberta with royalty   listed for trading on NYSE and its reporting   the receipt of necessary regulatory permits
       interests on over 190,000 gross acres of   obligations under the Securities Exchange Act   for our entire drilling campaign to begin on
       developed and undeveloped land which are   of 1934 will be suspended.    April 1, 2021, we remain on target for first
       supported by cumulative capital development   “We are excited to announce that we   oil in mid-2022 in the Khaleesi/Mormont
       commitments of CAD143.0mn. The company   have completed our acquisition of QEP. This   and Samurai fields,” said Roger W. Jenkins,
       has also significantly expanded its royalty   deal, along with our recently completed   president and chief executive officer. “By
       interests in the WCSB’s largest natural gas   acquisition of certain assets from Guidon   utilising the King’s Quay FPS transaction
       complex, the Alberta Deep Basin. On January   Operating LLC (the “Guidon acquisition”)   proceeds to repay our revolver borrowings,
       1, 2021, Topaz acquired royalty interests   bolsters our depth of Tier 1 Midland Basin   along with our recent bond issuance to extend
       on 720,000 gross acres of land which Topaz   inventory and positions us to allocate a   our debt maturity profile, Murphy has a well-
       estimates will provide free cash flow growth   majority of our capital to the high-returning   positioned balance sheet with ample liquidity
       on a per share basis, of 8% and 12% in 2021   Midland Basin for the foreseeable future.   as we enter the execution phase of this key
       and 2022, respectively.             We look forward to updating the market on   project.”
         In 2020, Topaz generated total EBITDA   our progress on synergy capture and laying   MURPHY OIL, March 17, 2021
       of CAD89.3mn and paid CAD73.1mn in   out the pro forma operating plan for 2021 as
       dividends. Topaz is a unique, premium energy   soon as practicable,” stated Travis Stice, Chief
       investment vehicle which is underpinned by   Executive Officer of Diamondback.  MIDSTREAM
       its strategic partners’ continued focus and   DIAMONDBACK ENERGY, March 17, 2021
       commitment to developing Topaz’s royalty                                 Magellan Midstream
       acreage which enables Topaz to provide a   Murphy Oil announces
       reliable and predictable outcome. Topaz is                               extends open season for
       well funded for growth with cash on hand and   transaction closing for
       a recently expanded, undrawn CAD300.0mn                                  potential New Mexico
       credit facility.                    King’s Quay floating
       TOPAZ ENERGY, March 17, 2021                                             refined products pipeline

       Diamondback Energy                  production system                    expansion to March 31
                                           Murphy Oil announced today that its
       completes acquisition of            subsidiary, Murphy Exploration & Production   Magellan Midstream Partners announced
                                           Company – USA, has closed the previously
                                                                                today the extension of its open season
       QEP Resources                       announced transaction with a fund managed   to solicit customer commitments for the
                                                                                potential expansion of the partnership’s New
                                           by ArcLight Capital Partners for the sale of
       Diamondback Energy today announced that   Murphy’s entire 50% interest in the King’s   Mexico refined petroleum products pipeline.
       it has completed its previously announced   Quay floating production system (King’s Quay  Significant interest has been expressed from
       acquisition of QEP Resources in an all-stock   FPS) and associated export lateral pipelines   potential shippers, and the extension provides
       merger following approval of the merger and   to be located in the Gulf of Mexico. The   interested customers additional time to
       related proposals by the QEP stockholders at   King’s Quay FPS and associated laterals will   finalise commitments. Binding commitments
       their special meeting held on March 16, 2021.  be co-owned in a joint venture with entities   are now due by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on
         QEP reported the results of its stockholder   managed by Ridgewood Energy, including   March 31.
       vote at the special meeting on its Form 8-K   ILX Holdings III.            The nearly 250-mile pipeline segment
       with the Securities and Exchange Commission   This transaction reimburses Murphy’s   currently transports various grades of gasoline
       on March 16, 2021.                  past capital expenditures of approximately   and diesel fuel from Magellan’s terminal in El
         As previously announced, in the merger,   $270mn related to the King’s Quay FPS and   Paso, Texas to terminals in Albuquerque, New
       QEP stockholders will receive 0.05 of a share   the associated laterals.  Mexico owned by Marathon and Vecenergy.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   18•March•2021
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