Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           PetroShale announces                 Such shareholders will acquire fully trading
       UPSTREAM                                                                 available to all eligible common shareholders.
       Spartan Delta announces             year-end 2020 financial,             shares when they exercise their allocated
                                                                                rights at a price of $0.20 per right and can
       closing of previously               operating and reserves               supplement their acquisition of common
                                                                                shares by taking advantage of the additional
       announced strategic                 highlights                           rights subscription whereby they may elect
                                                                                to exercise additional rights also at a price of
       acquisitions and financings         PetroShale is pleased to provide preliminary   $0.20 per right. PetroShale’s share price was
                                                                                $0.25 at close of trading on March 12, 2021.
                                           unaudited financial and operating results for
       Spartan Delta is pleased to announce the   the three- and twelve-month periods ended   PETROSHALE, March 15, 2021
       closing of its previously announced strategic   December 31, 2020, as well as summary
       acquisitions, including the corporate   highlights from our independent corporate   Waterous Energy Fund
       acquisition of Inception Exploration, a   reserves evaluation prepared by Netherland,
       Montney focused arm’s length private   Sewell & Associates, with an effective date of   successfully completes
       company with operations in the Gold Creek   December 31, 2020. The Company anticipates
       area of north-west Alberta, and the purchase   issuing and filing on SEDAR its full audited   takeover bid for 57mn
       of assets located primarily in the Simonette   annual financial statements, MD&A and
       area of north-west Alberta and Willesden   statement of reserves data for the year ended   shares of Osum Oil Sands
       Green area of west-central Alberta.  December 31, 2020 on or about March 23,
         Concurrent with the acquisitions, Spartan   2021.                      Waterous Energy Fund is pleased to announce
       completed its previously announced non-  While 2020 proved to be one of the   that it has successfully completed the offer
       brokered private placement of 6,250,000   most challenging operating environments   by its subsidiary, WEF Osum Acquisition, to
       common shares of Spartan at a price of $4.00   for energy companies globally, PetroShale’s   acquire up to 57,000,000 common shares of
       per common share and 10,976,626 common   performance through the year demonstrated   Osum Oil Sands at a price of $3.00 per share,
       shares issued on a “CDE” flow-through basis   the quality of the company’s asset base, the   following the expiry of the mandatory 10-day
       at a price of $4.92 per flow-through share,   strength of the business strategy and the   extension period at 11:59 pm (Vancouver
       raising aggregate gross proceeds of $79.0mn.   execution capability of the PetroShale team.   time) on March 12, 2021. 21,531,295
       In addition, net proceeds of $44.09mn have   During a period of adverse commodity   additional Osum shares were deposited
       been released to Spartan pursuant to its   pricing and economic uncertainty the   and not withdrawn during the extension
       previously announced bought deal financing   company was able to maintain production,   period, which, together with the 45,747,068
       of 11,250,000 subscription receipts at a price   meet annual guidance, increase proved   Osum shares deposited at the expiry of the
       of $4.00 per subscription receipt.  plus probable (2P) reserves, maintain the   initial deposit period on March 1, 2021, total
         The private placement and public offering   company’s senior loan borrowing base and   67,278,363 Osum shares deposited under the
       collectively resulted in the issuance of   continue to generate compelling economics   offer.
       28,476,626 common shares for total gross   while prudently limiting capital expenditures.   WATEROUS ENERGY FUND, March 15, 2021
       proceeds of $124.0mn. The acquisitions   With the recently announced recapitalisation
       resulted in the issuance of 25,227,564   transaction, summarised below, PetroShale   Topaz Energy announces
       common shares. Post completion of the   will enter what the company believes will be
       financings and the acquisitions, Spartan   a period of unprecedented opportunity, with   2020 financial, operating
       has 113,932,285 common shares issued and   a growth inventory in the core of the Bakken
       outstanding.                        shale intact and the financial flexibility to   and reserve results and
       SPARTAN DELTA, March 18, 2021       enable the company to develop this inventory.
                                             A part of the recently announced   provides 2021 guidance
                                           recapitalisation transaction is a rights offering

                                                                                Topaz Energy is pleased to announce financial
                                                                                results for the three months and year ended
                                                                                December 31, 2020.
                                                                                  Despite the challenging backdrop
                                                                                of COVID-19, Topaz achieved the
                                                                                strategic objectives it established for 2020
                                                                                demonstrating the resiliency of its business
                                                                                model. During 2020, Topaz established an
                                                                                independent management team, expanded
                                                                                its board of directors, delivered a reliable
                                                                                and sustainable CAD0.20 per share quarterly
                                                                                dividend and completed its initial public
                                                                                offering, raising CAD250.1mn and listing
                                                                                its common shares on the Toronto Stock
                                                                                Exchange in October.

       Week 11   18•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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