Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US LNG’s resilience

       during the pandemic

       The latest figures from the US Energy Information

       Administration illustrate the resilience of US LNG

       during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic

        GLOBAL           US LNG exports proved to be resilient last year,  Cameron’s return to service at the end of the
                         rebounding rapidly after a slowdown over the  year coincided with US LNG exports rising to
       WHAT:             summer. The latest data illustrate their strength  new highs. And it is expected that recent outages
       US LNG exports were   in the face of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  during Winter Storm Uri in February 2021 will
       quick to rebound from a   demic, as well as other disruptions.  play out similarly.
       slowdown in the summer   This week, the US Energy Information
       of 2020.          Administration (EIA) reported that US LNG  Asian demand
                         exports maintained their growth in 2020 despite  US LNG was exported to 38 countries in 2020,
       WHY:              the hit that demand took from the pandemic,  with Asia overtaking Europe as the main des-
       Demand for the super-  rising 31% compared to 2019 to 6.5bn cubic  tination. Indeed, exports to Asia rose 67%
       chilled fuel rebounded,   feet (184.1mn cubic metres) per day on average.  year on year in 2020 according to the EIA, and
       especially in Asia.  Indeed, the EIA noted that while US exports fell  accounted for almost half of total exports. This
                         to record lows over the summer of 2020, they  illustrates how Asian demand has kept growing
       WHAT NEXT:        subsequently rebounded to reach all-time highs  despite the impact of the pandemic. The agency
       Exports appear set to stay   in November and December.  noted that shipments to Europe also increased
       strong over the course   This rebound can be attributed to recover-  in 2020 – after the continent was the main des-
       of 2021.          ing demand in Asia and elsewhere, and also  tination for US exports in 2019 – but not as sig-
                         came despite other disruptions such as Hurri-  nificantly as those going to Asia.
                         canes Laura and Delta, which were among the   In total, US LNG producers exported around
                         numerous storms that hit the US Gulf Coast in  3.1 bcf (87.8 mcm) per day on average to Asia
                         2020. The Cameron LNG terminal in Louisiana  in 2020, compared with 2.5 bcf (70.8 mcm) per
                         was hit particularly hard, going offline from  day to Europe.
                         late August until early October as a result of   The fact that China lowered tariffs on US
                         damage caused by Hurricane Laura. However,  LNG and granted tariff waivers helped to bolster

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