Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         office. Keystone XL had become a lightning rod  but has warned that courts could take years to
                         for opposition, also resulting in a back-and-  resolve the dispute.
                         forth between former US Presidents Barack   “We believe there will be reviews at multi-
                         Obama and Donald Trump, with one denying  ple levels at the US federal courts, and that this
                         a permit for the pipeline while the other subse-  review will take many, many years,” Yu said. “I
                         quently approved it. Biden served as Vice-Pres-  think it’s essential that we try to come up with
                         ident under Obama, and his subsequent move  a mediated, negotiated diplomatic solution
                         to revoke the cross-border permit for the  that takes us out of the hands of the courts and
                         under-construction – but stalled by litigation –  provides a reasonable outcome for everyone
                         Keystone XL came as no surprise.     involved,” he added.
                           The situation is different for existing pipe-  In any case, Enbridge does not believe a US
                         lines, which have already been operating for  court would grant Whitmer’s request for an   Enbridge does
                         some years, but they face new uncertainty too,  injunction to shut down Line 5. This comes
                         with the Dakota Access oil pipeline also facing  as a federal judge in Grand Rapids, Michigan,   not believe a
                         the risk of shutdown following a court order for  is currently weighing whether or not the case   US court would
                         a new regulatory review after the original one  belongs in a state court. A hearing is scheduled
                         was deemed to be insufficient. And opponents  for May 12.                 grant Whitmer’s
                         of pipelines and fossil fuels more broadly are   While Enbridge awaits the decision, however,
                         now calling on Biden to take a tougher stance on  it is seeking support from the government of   request for an
                         existing pipelines, though he has given no indi-  Canada and other players.
                         cation as yet that he would be prepared to do so.  “We request the government of Canada use   injunction to shut
                                                              every pathway to assert that Line 5 is an impor-  down Line 5.
                         What next?                           tant binational pipeline protected by the treaty,
                         In the case of Line 5, Enbridge is proposing  whose shutdown would have grave impacts for
                         to replace the underwater section that runs  both the United States and Canada,” Yu said.
                         through the Straits of Mackinac, housing it in a   While Enbridge appears confident that the
                         tunnel in an effort to enhance its safety. Indeed,  pipeline will not be shut down, the fight over
                         Michigan regulators have approved the $500mn  Line 5 illustrates the highly uncertain environ-
                         tunnel project, saying that the issue was a sep-  ment that pipeline companies now operate in.
                         arate one from whether the existing pipeline  Proposed pipelines being scrapped is nothing
                         could continue operating.            new, but if any existing pipeline is forced to
                           The company is fighting against Whitmer’s  shut down, it could set a worrying precedent for
                         decision to revoke the easement in federal court,  other pipeline projects across the US.™

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