Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

       Georgetown to issue EoI for refinery

       project soon, says President Ali

                         GUYANA’S government appears to be moving   energy markets, including the conflict between
                         closer to making a decision on proposals for the   Russia and Ukraine and the resulting rise in
                         construction of a refinery capable of serving the   petroleum product prices. Officials in George-
                         domestic fuel market.                town believe Guyana will be in a better position
                           According to Guyanese news agencies, Presi-  to ensure its own energy security if it establishes
                         dent Irfaan Ali said on October 4 that his admin-  downstream capacity, he explained.
                         istration would invite potential investors to put   “I think it is very important for Guyana to
                         their names forward in the near future. After lis-  look at how it can sustain itself in the long term,
                         tening to private sector stakeholders’ arguments   and I think the refinery is just one more step of
                         in favour of a refinery for more than two years,   us looking at our needs in the near future,” he
                         the government has decided to look for a part-  commented.
                         ner in the construction of a 30,000 barrel per day   The South American country is entirely
                         (bpd) oil-processing plant, he said.  dependent on imported fuel. It became an
                           “We are looking at the launch of an expres-  oil producer in late 2019 but does not have
                         sion of interest [EoI] for a 30,000 [bpd] refin-  any  domestic crude-processing  capacity.
                         ery. This expression of interest will be launched   GuyEnergy, a locally registered company, did
                         soon,” he said at a ceremony marking the ISO   moot plans for the construction of a 30,000 bpd
                         9001 certification of the Guyana Office for   modular refinery in 2018 but never made any
                         Investment (GO-Invest).              headway on the project. ™
                           Ali did not say exactly when the government
                         would issue the EOI, but he indicated that the
                         project would be open to both foreign and local
                         investors. “You will see new expressions of inter-
                         est coming out soon, and we are asking investors
                         across the world to participate fully,” he stated.
                           Peter Ramsaroop, the chief investment
                         officer of GO-Invest, said at the ceremony on
                         October 4 that Georgetown had not yet deter-
                         mined exactly what form the refinery should
                         take. The plant will probably be built according
                         to a modular design, though the specific detail
                         will be left up to the investor chosen to execute
                         the contract, he added.
                           Ramsaroop also commented that George-
                         town’s decision to build the refinery had been
                         influenced by recent developments on world    Ali discussed the project at a GO-Invest event (Photo:

       Guyana seeks consultant

       for review of Uaru FDP

                         THE government of Guyana said last week that   submit formal expressions of interests (EoIs) to
                         it was searching for a suitable consulting firm to   the Guyanese government in order to be consid-
                         review the Uaru field development plan (FDP)   ered for the project.
                         prepared by Esso Exploration and Production   In order to be considered for the role, can-
                         Guyana Ltd (EEPGL), the ExxonMobil (US)   didates will be required to provide Georgetown
                         affiliate that operates the offshore Stabroek   with evidence of their qualifications and rele-
                         block.                               vant experience in similar projects or work per-
                           Interested parties have been instructed to   formed under similar conditions.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   05•October•2022
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