Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
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He has also discussed shifting the country’s Indeed, he has indicated that he favours pri-
focus from fossil fuels to renewable energy and vatising Petrobras itself – probably because he
claimed that his policies would protect consum- would prefer to see voters blame the company
ers from the inflationary impact of high petro- rather than his government for the economic
leum product prices. woes resulting from this year’s price increases.
Bolsonaro, by contrast, would likely prefer He would also not stand in the way of the NOC’s
to see Petrobras continue with its privatisation efforts to focus on development of its upstream
drive. pre-salt assets in order to maximise profits.
Trident Energy hopes to sell stakes in two
fields from Pampo-Enchova cluster soon
UK-BASED Trident Energy has said it will soon sites, even though they hold more than 1bn
launch the sales process for stakes in two of the barrels of oil, and concentrate on the other eight
10 Campos basin fields it acquired from Brazil’s fields in the Pampo-Enchova cluster, which are
national oil company (NOC) Petrobras in 2020. more developed, he said.
Jean-Michel Jacoulot, Trident’s CEO, told “What we really want to do is brownfield,” he
Upstream Online last week that the company commented.
intended to sell the stakes via competitive He indicated that Trident had not fixed the
bidding and had hired Itaú BBA, a Brazilian size of the stake to be sold in each field, saying
bank, to run the auctions. Trident will begin that the company wanted to remain a share-
seeking bids around the middle of October, he holder in Badejo and Linguado but was willing
said on the sidelines of the Rio Oil & Gas 2022 to discuss various alternative arrangements.
conference. “We’re open in terms of how we’re going to
“We’re looking for partners,” he declared. structure the partnership,” he stated.
The sales process will affect Trident’s hold- The British company is even willing to work
ings in the Pampo-Enchova cluster, a group of with potential investors that will only bid if they
mature oilfields located in 85- to 780-metre- can assume operatorship, he added. “[It’s] some-
deep water in sections of the Campos basin that thing we can discuss,” he said.
lie 80-90 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. He went on to say that Trident hoped to
The UK-based company paid about $1bn for the wrap the sales up within the next few months.
cluster, which includes a group of mature fields “In principle, we’d like to have some offers by the
that Petrobras began developing in the 1980s. end of the year,” he told Upstream Online.
Jacoulot told Upstream Online that Trident The Pampo-Enchova cluster is currently
intended to divest parts of its stakes in Badejo producing around 25,000 barrels per day of oil,
and Linguado, two fields that have been discov- up from 22,000 bpd at the time of sale in 2020.
ered and tested but not yet developed. The com- Trident’s licence for the fields is due to expire in
pany has decided to reduce its exposure to these 2054.
Trident intends to divest parts of its stakes in Badejo and Linguado (Image: EPBR)
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 40 05•October•2022