Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
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Porto do Sergipe TPP, shown in December 2019 (Image: CELSE)
To gain control of CELSE, Eneva acquired 100% continue to operate the FSRU via Energos
of Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe Participações Infrastructure, the joint venture platform it had
(CELSEPAR), the owner of the TPP’s equity established for this purpose with NYSE-listed
assets, and 100% of Centrais Elétricas Barra Apollo. The Golar Nanook has been chartered
dos Coqueiros (CEBARRA), the owner of the to CELSE for use at the TPP for more than 20
right to add 1,700 MW of new capacity to the years, it added.
TPP at an adjacent site. It also agreed to assume Wes Edens, the chairman and CEO of NFE,
CELSE’s outstanding debt obligations as part of expressed satisfaction with the conclusion of the
the deal. sale to Eneva. “The closing of this transaction
Meanwhile, the parties have also used a por- further deleverages and simplifies our capital
tion of the proceeds from the sale to pay off the structure and marks another significant step
entire balance of – and thus retire – the standby toward our goal of an investment grade credit
guarantee and credit facility agreement previ- rating,” he said. “We are pleased to redeploy
ously signed with GE Capital EFS Financing. these proceeds toward the capital needs of our
The sale will not affect the operation of the Fast LNG programme and downstream LNG
Golar Nanook, the floating storage and regasi- projects worldwide, internally funding our stra-
fication unit (FSRU) that takes delivery of LNG tegic growth initiatives to serve our customers’
for the Porto do Sergipe TPP. needs amid a structurally short global LNG
NFE said in its statement that it would market.”
Stakeholders in oil and gas sector highlight
potential obstacles to Vaca Muerta growth
ACCESS to high-tech equipment, innovative (fracking) equipment and more gas and water
drilling technologies and transportation capac- pipelines in order to keep pushing production
ity will be key to efforts to develop the Vaca levels upward.
Muerta shale formation, according to oil and Marcelo Robles, a subsurface reservoir man-
gas industry stakeholders in Argentina. ager at PAE, was among those who stressed the
Managers from Argentina’s national oil need for access to the necessary materials. To
company (NOC) YPF and their counterparts boost output at shale fields, he said, companies
at two privately owned firms, Tecpetrol and must have all the resources they need, including
Pan American Energy (PAE), emphasised this water recycling.
point at an industry conference held last week, For his part, Horacio Marin, Tecpetrol’s cor-
Reuters reported. They said that upstream porate managing director for exploration and
operators working in the formation would need production, drew attention to the necessity of
more drilling rigs, more hydraulic fracturing investment.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 40 05•October•2022