Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                market,” says COO Morten Kelstrup of Maersk
                                                                                  The Maersk Developer is a DSS-21 col-
                                                                                umn-stabilised dynamically positioned
                                                                                semi-submersible rig, able to operate in water
                                                                                depths up to 10,000 feet (3,048 metres). It was
                                                                                delivered in 2009 and is currently operating off-
                                                                                shore Brazil for Karoon Energy.
                                                                                Maersk Drilling, September 30 2022
                                                                                Petrofac to support

                                                                                TEG in green ammonia
                                                                                project in Chile

       Another new technology is the so-called “digital  industry. We are very pleased to continue our  Petrofac, a leading international service pro-
       twins,” which consist of the virtual reproduction  long-standing relationship with Petrobras and  vider to the energy industry, has won its first
       of the platform, to enable remote simulations  to support them with another large deepwater  new energy-focused project in Chile, support-
       and tests, before the platform goes into opera-  OBN project,” said Irene Waage Basili, CEO of  ing Transitional Energy Group (TEG) on their
       tion, a factor that aims to ensure safety and oper-  Shearwater.         Gente Grande Green Ammonia Project as Own-
       ational reliability.                   About Shearwater GeoServices Holding AS:  er’s Engineer.
       Petrobras, October 4 2022           Shearwater GeoServices Holding AS is a global,   The Gente Grande Project is located at a
                                           customer-focused and technology-driven  coastal site on Tierra del Fuego in the Magellan
       Solstad Offshore                    provider of marine geophysical services. The  Straits region of Chile, where the exceptional
                                                                                wind resource will drive more than 3 GW of
                                           company has the world’s largest fleet of high-
       announces contract                  end seismic vessels and a portfolio of propri-  renewable power generation and more than
                                           etary technologies and software that provide  1.3mn tonnes of green ammonia production
       award for PSV in Brazil             customers with a full-range of towed streamer  annually. During the initial stages, Petrofac is
                                                                                reviewing feasibility and environmental work
                                           and ocean bottom geophysical acquisition tech-
       Solstad Offshore has announced that PSV Nor-  niques, efficient surveys and high-quality data.  conducted to date, advising on technology selec-
       mand Titus has been fixed to Trident Energy  Shearwater has an industry-leading cost posi-  tion, developing the basis of design for the future
       do Brasil Ltda for one year firm plus one year  tion and a strong balance sheet. Headquartered  phases, and providing construction expertise.
       option.                             in Bergen, Norway, Shearwater is owned by  Following preparation of the basis of design,
         The contract commences early fourth quarter  Rasmussengruppen AS, Schlumberger, and GC  Petrofac will provide oversight of engineering
       2022 and the vessel will support Trident Energy’s  Rieber Shipping ASA.  and construction inputs to permit applications
       activities in Brazilian waters.     Shearwater GeoServices Holding, October 3 2022  by consultants in Chile, due for submission to
       Solstad Offshore, October 3 2022                                         authorities in Chile by the end of 2023.
                                                                                  Led from Petrofac’s Woking office, the project
       Shearwater GeoServices              Maersk Drilling awarded              will draw on the expertise of specialised person-
                                           Campos basin contract
                                                                                nel across the group. Petrofac’s experience in
       awarded large Petrobras             offshore Brazil with Shell           similar green hydrogen projects will ensure the
                                                                                successful execution of this scope.
       deepwater OBN survey                Maersk Drilling has secured a contract from  ment of Petrofac’s New Energy Services busi-
                                                                                  Alex Haynes, Head of Business Develop-
       Shearwater GeoServices Holding today  Shell Brasil for the provisioning of the semi-sub-  ness, said: “We are delighted to be conducting
       announced an award for a large deepwater ocean  mersible rig Maersk Developer in the Campos  this project scope with TEG. Chile has great
       bottom node (OBN) survey over the Petro-  basin offshore Brazil where the rig will drill  natural resources for producing green hydrogen
       bras-operated Grand Iara Project, involving  one exploration well and perform subsea well  and ammonia, and we look forward to assisting
       the Berbigão, Sururu, and Shared Reservoir of  interventions at the BC-10 field. The contract is  TEG to realise its wind power and green ammo-
       Atapu, in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil.  expected to commence in March 2023, in direct  nia ambitions.”
         The project is scheduled to start in the first  continuation of the rig’s current contract, with   Tim Adams, Managing Director of TEG,
       quarter of 2023 and is expected to last approx-  an estimated duration of 90 days. The contract  commented: “We are pleased to confirm the
       imately six months. The node deployment area  value is approximately $37mn, including a  recent selection of Petrofac as Owner’s Engineer
       covers a total of 1,309 square km, utilising nodes  mobilisation fee.    for the Gente Grande Project in Chile, which is
       deployed by ROV, and Shearwater’s indus-  “We’re delighted to confirm that Mærsk  set to be one of the most competitive large-scale
       try-leading 3x2 six-string omni-directional tri-  Developer will continue working in Brazil after  green ammonia developments anywhere in the
       ple source.                         it earlier this year became the first Maersk Drill-  world. Petrofac brings significant expertise in
         “This is a significant contract and a solid  ing rig to commence operations in the region  renewable energy developments as well as major
       addition to our backlog for the first half of 2023,  for many years. With this campaign, we will be  project delivery capability and will play a key role
       confirming our leadership in the fast-growing  able to add to our strong relationship with Shell,  in the current permitting phase of the Project.”
       deepwater OBN segment of the marine seismic  which is now extended to the exciting Brazilian   Petrofac, October 4 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   05•October•2022
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