Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
P. 11

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                           LatAmOil

       Keppel, Petrobras sign $2.8bn

       EPC contract for new FPSO

                         KEPPEL Shipyard (Singapore) has closed a   technologies allowing it to separate carbon diox-
                         $2.8bn deal with Brazil’s national oil company   ide and reinject it into the reservoir where it was
                         (NOC) Petrobras for the engineering, procure-  previously stored, thereby minimising the need
                         ment and construction (EPC) of a new floating   for gas flaring. The FPSO will also feature energy
                         production, storage and off-loading (FPSO) ves-  recovery systems for thermal energy, waste heat
                         sel for installation at the Buzios oilfield.  and gas while also being equipped to minimise
                           The new platform is a repeat order of the P-80   carbon emissions.
                         FPSO that was delivered to Petrobras by Keppel   Chris Ong, CEO of Keppel O&M, com-
                         in August of this year. Scheduled for delivery in   mented: “We are able to draw insights from the
                         the first half of 2027, the P-83 will be identical to   first of our newbuild FPSOs, the P-78, which
                         the P-80 in terms of specifications and execution   is progressing well and contributing to Keppel
                         methodology, Keppel confirmed.       O&M’s earnings. As the P-83 and P-80 are iden-
                           “It will build on the synergies reaped from   tical units, greater economies of scale and pro-
                         the P-80, including adapting the design and   ductivity gains can be expected as we are able to
                         engineering as well as leveraging economies of   further optimise the engineering and construc-
                         scale in the procurement of materials,” the com-  tion process, as well as fully leverage technology
                         pany confirmed in a press release.   and the seamless co-ordination with our part-
                           According to Keppel, the contract will be   ners in the execution.”
                         executed by way of progressive milestone pay-  Búzios is a large deepwater oilfield in the
                         ments, with the company expecting to add   pre-salt section of the offshore Santos basin. It
                         SGD3.8bn ($2.67bn) to its order book by project   is currently yielding about 700,000 bpd of oil on
                         completion.                          average and is anticipated to see production rise
                           The accommodation module and hull of   to 2mn bpd by 2030, equal to 70% of Brazil’s cur-
                         the ship are set to be done by CIMC Raffles in   rent national production levels. ™
                         China, while the topside modules will be man-
                         ufactured in Keppel O&M’s facilities in Brazil,
                         Singapore and China. The components that are
                         to be manufactured separately will then be inte-
                         grated in Singapore, after which Keppel O&M
                         will conduct the final phase of offshore commis-
                         sioning works once the vessel arrives at the Buz-
                         ios field. This will be the third vessel that Keppel
                         has produced for Petrobras.
                           When finished, the P-83 vessel will be able to
                         handle 225,000 barrels per day of oil and process
                         12mn cubic metres per day of gas and will have
                         a water injection capacity of 250,000 bpd. Addi-
                         tionally, it will have a storage capacity of 2mn
                         barrels of oil, making it one of the largest FPSOs
                         in the world.
                           The ship will be equipped with green     Keppel is building multiple FPSOs for Petrobras (Photo: Keppel Shipyards)

       NFE, Ebrasil finalise sale of CELSE to Eneva

                         US-BASED New Fortress Energy (NFE) and its   owned LNG import terminal. The company
                         Brazilian joint venture partner Ebrasil Energia   operates the Porto do Sergipe thermal power
                         have completed the sale of the Centrais Elétricas   plant (TPP), a natural gas-fired facility in Barra
                         de Sergipe (CELSE) power station to Eneva, a   dos Coqueiros with a generating capacity of
                         privately owned Brazilian company.   1,593 MW. It uses the terminal set up by NFE
                           CELSE is the keystone of an LNG-to-power   to import LNG and convert it to gas that can be
                         project that makes use of Brazil’s first privately   used to generate electricity.

       Week 40   05•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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