Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
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LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                                        The Snoek and Mako fields will be connected to the Uaru FPSO via tie-backs (Image: Hess)
                         The review will cover EEPGL’s plans for extract-  of the FDP and an environmental and social
                         ing 1.319bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in   impact assessment (ESIA) and will be responsi-
                         what will be Guyana’s largest offshore oil project   ble for management, monitoring and reporting
                         to date.                             of the project.
                           The ExxonMobil subsidiary will tap into the   Guyana’s Natural Resources Ministry has
                         Uaru, Mako and Snoek oilfields in the eastern   confirmed that funding for the FDP review will
                         portion of the Stabroek block, eventually pro-  come from a $20mn World Bank loan for the
                         ducing 275,000 barrels per day (bpd) from a sin-  Guyana Petroleum Resources Governance and
                         gle floating production, storage and off-loading   Management Project (GPRGMP), along with
                         (FPSO) vessel. This will make Uaru one of the   GYD88mn ($421,260) that the government set
                         highest-yield projects ever handled by a single   aside in the national budget earlier in the year to
                         FPSO unit.                           support the FDP.
                           The consulting company chosen to execute   Uaru will be the fifth development project at
                         the project will be tasked with advising staff   the Stabroek block, and it is due to achieve first
                         members of the Natural Resources Ministry, as   oil in 2026.
                         well as other professionals involved in the Guy-  EEPGL and its partners, affiliates of
                         ana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC),   US-based Hess and China National Offshore Oil
                         thereby enhancing these staff members’ abilities   Corp. (CNOOC), have already launched pro-
                         to authorise, supervise, review and report on the   duction at the first two projects, Liza-1 and Liza-
                         implementation of FDPs. Additionally, the con-  2, and will bring the third and fourth, Payara and
                         sultant will have to make a detailed assessment   Yellowtail, on stream in 2023 and 2025. ™

       Staatsolie confirms plan to launch

       deepwater licensing round in Q4-2022

                         STAATSOLIE, the national oil company (NOC)   Guyana Basins Summit (GBS) 2022. At the con-
                         of Suriname, has confirmed that it still intends to   ference, they reported that Staatsolie would be
                         launch a licensing round for deepwater acreage   kicking off the licensing round in the fourth
                         before the end of this year.         quarter of 2022.
                           Representatives of the company made   The company representatives did not say
                         statements to this effect earlier this week at the   exactly when the bidding process would begin.

       Week 40   05•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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