Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       This operation is in line with the company’s port-  700,000 cubic metres per day for Enauta.  45%-owned Manati Field, one of the main sup-
       folio optimisation strategy and capital allocation   In the aforementioned material fact, it was  pliers of gas to the Northeast region of Brazil, and
       improvement, aiming to maximise value and  indicated that average daily production up to  the Atlanta Field, located in the deep waters of
       higher return to society.           September 29 was 29% lower when compared to  the Santos Basin, where it is the operator, with a
         About the asset: The asset consists of the  August. However, after closing the month and  100% ownership stake. Listed on the Novo Mer-
       onshore fibre optic network that is approxi-  checking the calculations, it was confirmed that  cado of B3 since 2011, under the ticker symbol
       mately 8,000 km long, covering all regions of the  average daily production up to September 29  ENAT3, Enauta is committed to the sustaina-
       country, connecting several state capitals and  was actually 33% lower than August.  bility of its operations, having invested heavily
       metropolitan regions. The fibre optic network   Enauta, October 4 2022   in improving good governance and compliance
       is composed of buried cables, most of which                              practices.
       have a capacity of 36 optical fibres each, packed   Enauta reports interruption   Enauta, September 30 2022
       in high-density polyethylene HDPE tubes (bi
       tube) for higher protection and maintenance   at Manati field
       versatility.                                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES
       Petrobras, September 30 2022        Enauta Participações informs its shareholders
                                           and the market in general that production at the   Petrobras signs contract
                                           Manati Field has been interrupted due to the
       PERFORMANCE                         reduction in gas demand. According to Petróleo   with Sembcorp Marine for
                                           Brasileiro (Petrobras), field operator and buyer
       Enauta reports on                   of the gas produced by Manati, this reduction   P-82 FPSO
                                           is due to the supply and demand conditions of
       September 2022 production           the market segments served by the gas from  Petrobras has signed a contract with Sembcorp
                                           the Manati Field and it is a usual occurrence of  Marine for the construction of the P-82 FPSO
       Enauta Participações, in line with the best corpo-  the operation, of a temporary nature, with no  for the development of the Búzios field, in the
       rate governance practices, hereby announces its  changes to the contractual conditions. Notwith-  pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin.
       September 2022 production.          standing the return of production, according to   Of the FPSO type (floating oil production,
         In September, Company’s total production  the Operator, demand may remain at reduced  storage and transfer system), the unit will be
       reached 311,400 barrels of oil equivalent (boe),  levels throughout October.  one of the largest operating in the world oil and
       or average daily production of 10,400 boepd.   The gas produced in Manati is fully sold to  gas industry, with a capacity to produce up to
       This volume includes oil and gas.   Petrobras and the financial impact of the reduc-  225,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and process
         According to the Material Fact disclosed on  tion in production is limited by the obligation to  up to 12mn cubic metres of gas per day – in addi-
       September 21, the Atlanta Field resumed oper-  purchase the minimum contracted volume (take  tion to storing more than 1.6mn barrels.
       ations with three wells. Average production last  or pay).                 Búzios is the largest deepwater field in the
       week was approximately 13,800 bpd and current   Until September 29, the average daily pro-  world and will have a total of 11 platforms. Cur-
       production is around 16,000 bpd. The produc-  duction of Manati reduced by 29% when com-  rently four units are already in operation (P-74,
       tion remains in the stabilisation process and  pared to August.          P-75, P-76 and P-77), another four are under
       commissioning of the new water plant should   Enauta Energia, a wholly-owned subsidiary  construction (FPSO Almirante Barroso; FPSO
       be completed by mid-October, when the system  of the Company, holds a 45% interest in Manati  Almirante Tamandaré; P-78 and P-79) and two
       will start operating at full capacity.  Field, located in the Camamu Basin, Bahia  more had contracts recently signed for construc-
         According to a material fact disclosed on Sep-  coastline.             tion (P-80 and P-83). The P-82 will be the tenth
       tember 30, production at the Manati Field was   About Enauta: Enauta is one of the leading  platform to be installed in Búzios and is sched-
       impacted by the lower demand for natural gas  private companies in the exploration and pro-  uled to start operating in 2026. Petrobras is the
       in the period. Field production has resumed on  duction sector in Brazil. The Company has a  operator of the field with a 92.6% share, having as
       September 30 and the average production early  balanced asset portfolio spread through the  partners CNOOC and CNODC, with 3.7% each.
       October was 1.50mn cubic metres per day, being  Brazilian coast and two producing assets: its   New generation of platforms: The P-82 will be
                                                                                the 29th unit to go into production in the pre-salt
                                                                                layer and is part of the new generation of Petro-
                                                                                bras platforms, which are characterised by high
                                                                                production capacity and innovative low-car-
                                                                                bon technologies. The unit will incorporate, for
                                                                                example, the so-called closed flare technology,
                                                                                which increases the use of gas, in a safe and sus-
                                                                                tainable way, and prevents it from being burned
                                                                                into the atmosphere. Another innovation will
                                                                                be the methane gas detection system, capable
                                                                                of preventing or mitigating the risks of leakage
                                                                                of this compound. The platform will also be
                                                                                equipped with the technology of Capture, Use
                                                                                and Geological Storage of CO2 – the so-called
                                                                                CCUS. Petrobras is a pioneer in the use of this
                                                                                technology, which allows it to combine increased
                                                                                productivity with reduced carbon emissions.

       Week 40   05•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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