Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 40 2022
P. 14
Petrobras reports
on signing of
contracts with NTS
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
on December 22, 2021, informs that, as part of
the actions taken to open the Brazilian natural
gas market, signed, in September 30, 2022, with
Nova Transportadora do Sudeste (NTS) the
Flexibility Reduction Agreement to be used by
Petrobras (Agreement) and amendments to the
Malha Sudeste, Malha Sudeste II, GASDUC III,
GASPAJ e GASTAU Natural Gas Transportation
Contracts (Amendments), which reflect the flex-
ibility limitation of Petrobras. These instruments
allow for the access of other agents to NTS’ trans-
portation system as of October 1, 2022.
The execution of the Agreement and Amend- of existing and competitive credit resources as Petrobras’ internal rules and with the special
ments was carried out after approval by the compared to current market conditions. regime for divestment of assets by federal mixed
National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia economy companies, provided for in Decree
Biofuels (ANP) and is in line with the commit- and one of the main integrated energy compa- 9,188/2017.
ment made by Petrobras under the Commit- nies in the American continent, with more than This transaction is aligned with the compa-
ment Agreement (TCC), signed on July 8, 2019, 18,000 employees. In Colombia, it is responsible ny’s portfolio optimisation strategy and capital
between the Administrative Council for Eco- for more than 60% of the hydrocarbon produc- allocation improvement, aimed at maximising
nomic Defense (CADE) and Petrobras. tion of most transportation, logistics and hydro- value and greater return to society.
Petrobras, October 3 2022 carbon refining systems, and it holds leading About the asset: The asset is composed of 34
positions in the petrochemicals and gas distribu- mining titles of potassium salts located in the
tion segments. With the acquisition of 51.4% of Amazonas Basin and granted by the National
INVESTMENT ISA’s shares, the company participates in energy Mining Agency (ANM). Of these 34 titles, 8 are
transmission, the management of real-time sys- mining concessions, 4 are mining requirements
Ecopetrol disburses tems (XM), and the Barranquilla-Cartagena and 22 are in the process of obtaining a research
coastal highway concession. At the international authorisation.
$1.2bn credit facility for level, Ecopetrol has a stake in strategic basins Petrobras, September 30 2022
in the American continent, with Drilling and
early prepayment of ISA Exploration operations in the United States (Per- Petrobras enters
mian basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil and
acquisition loan Mexico, and, through ISA and its subsidiaries, opportunity stage of
Ecopetrol holds leading positions in the power
Ecopetrol informs that, as part of its comprehen- transmission business in Brazil, Chile, Peru and onshore fibre optic
sive debt management strategy, it has made a full Bolivia, road concessions in Chile and the tele-
disbursement of a $1.2bn credit facility it entered communications sector. network sale
into in August 2021 with a group of international Ecopetrol, September 29 2022
banks, as approved by the Ministry of Finance Petrobras informs that it has started the oppor-
and Public Credit through Resolution 1824 of Petrobras launches sale of tunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding the
July 30, 2021. sale of its onshore fibre optic network.
The proceeds will be used in their entirety potassium mining rights The teaser, which contains the key infor-
towards the early repayment of the loan Ecopet- mation about the opportunity, as well as the
rol entered into for the acquisition of Intercon- Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed eligibility criteria for the selection of potential
exión Eléctrica SA (ISA). With this repayment, a on August 11, 2022, informs the beginning of the participants, is available on Petrobras’ Investor
total of $3.2bn will be paid to the original lenders binding phase concerning the sale of its mining Relations website.
of the ISA Acquisition Loan, leaving a remaining rights for research and mining of potassium salts The main subsequent stages of the project
balance of $472mn, maturing in August 2023. located in the Amazonas Basin. will be informed to the market in due course.
This transaction has met all the mandatory Potential buyers qualified for this phase will This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-
internal and external procedures and approvals receive a process letter with detailed instructions bras’ internal rules and with the special regime
and does not increase Ecopetrol’s indebtedness about the process, including guidelines for due for divestment of assets by federal mixed
level. This transaction reduces Ecopetrol’s refi- diligence and for submitting binding proposals. economy companies, provided for in Decree
nancing needs for 2023 and captures the benefits This disclosure is in accordance with 9,188/2017.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 40 05•October•2022