Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 02 2022
P. 14

FSUOGM                                                                                              FSUOGM

                                           Almaty closed.                       1 uranium supplier, “it’d be like if the Saudis
       Kazakhstan upheaval                 clear impact on local stocks that were hit in   had issues in oil,” Jonathan Hinze, president
                                              “From the market perspective, we note the
                                                                                of UxC LLC, a leading nuclear fuel market
       impacts country’s banks,            London on January 5, led by internet company  research and analysis firm, was quoted as
                                 , down c30% yesterday and another
                                                                                saying by Bloomberg, adding: “Even if there
       bonds, equities and uranium         12% on January 6,” Slava Smolyaninov, head   isn’t a shortage right now, the potential for this
                                           of strategy at BSC GM said in a note.
                                                                                to create a shortage is what people now are
       and oil industries                  Kazakh demonstrations, which came out of   trading on.”
                                              Equity investors were caught out by the
                                                                                  In southwestern Mangistau province,
       All of Kazakhstan’s financial organisations   nowhere and hit in the middle of Eastern   where much of the country’s rich oil reserves
       including its banks and stock market   Europe’s extended Christmas and Orthodox   are extracted, Chevron confirmed to Sky
       remained suspended on January 6 amid   New Year holidays that run to January 14.    News on January 5 that it was working to end
       the country’s social unrest, according to the   The leaderless revolution rapidly expanded   a stoppage at its Tengizchevroil venture.
       press secretary of the National Bank of the   and morphed from protests against a specific   On January 6, TheEdgeMarkets reported
       Republic, Olzhas Ramazanova.        issue—rising vehicle fuel prices—to a   Reach Energy as announcing that its unit in
         “The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan  more general anti-government movement   Kazakhstan might be affected by the country’s
       for the Regulation and Development of the   becoming a political protest.    state of emergency declaration. In a filing to
       Financial Market and the National Bank of   “Apparently, the situation with street   Bursa Malaysia, Reach Energy noted that the
       Kazakhstan, taking into account the conduct   violence in Almaty, the financial center of   government of Kazakhstan had declared a
       of counterterrorist operations ... and taking   the country, is out of control with military   two-week emergency regime in Almaty and
       into account temporary disruptions in the   confrontation and numerous casualties,”   Mangistau province, where Emir-Oil LLP, the
       Internet ... report the temporary suspension   Smolyaninov said. “Authorities ordered an   company’s sub-subsidiary is located.
       of the activities of all financial organisations,”   anti-terrorist operation in Almaty in the   Emir-Oil LLP holds the entire subsoil use
       Khabar 24 TV channel quoted him as saying.  evening of January 6 and called for military   rights in an 850.3-square-kilometre onshore
         Ramazanova also said that the measure   support from Russia, Belarus and other   hydrocarbon exploration and production
       was aimed at protecting the life and health of   member states of the Collective Security   contracted area in Mangistau province.
       employees and clients of financial institutions,   Treaty Organization [CSTO].”
       although there are reports of inhabitants of   The instability and call for a Russia-led
       the capital Nur-Sultan and largest Kazakh city   CSTO military intervention on the eve of   Pinchuk’s Geo Alliance buys
       and commercial capital Almaty—scene of the   key talks with the US and Nato over a new
       biggest deadly clashes between protesters and   European security deal has been seen by   out Arawak’s 50% stake.
       law enforcement and troops during the week’s   investors as weakening Russian President
       unrest—going hungry due to the closure of   Vladimir Putin’s hand going into the talks,   Geo Alliance Group Limited, owned by Victor
       ATMs [Watch video below]. With the internet   which makes a quick resolution of tensions   Pinchuk, has completed a deal to purchase
       down, shops cannot process digital payments   less likely. And that hurt Russian equity prices   a 50% stake in Geo-Alliance Oil-Gas Public
       and are demanding cash, unavailable due to   as well.                    Limited, which combines Ukrainian oil and
       the offline ATMs.                      The Russian market reacted negatively   gas assets with Arawak Energy Ukraine BV, a
         Also closed amid the crisis in Kazakhstan’s   even though Brent was back trading above   subsidiary of the Vitol Group. “As a result of
       were the country’s three main airports, with   $80, causing the leading dollar-denominated   the agreement, Geo Alliance Group Limited
       all flights cancelled on January 6. With a state   Russia Trading System (RTS) index to fall   and its shareholders became 100% owners
       of emergency in place, entry to the country to   further to 1,540, or 20%, from its 1920   of Geo-Alliance Oil-Gas Public Limited,”
       foreigners has been temporarily suspended,   peak level seen at the end of October, said   announced Geo Alliance.
       RIA reported. Earlier in Nur-Sultan, and in   Smolyaninov.
       Alma-Ata, telephone communications were   Kazakhstan’s reputation for stability under
       disconnected and the internet was closed   Nursultan Nazarbayev, an autocrat who   Russia has reduced gas
       down by the operator Kazakhtelecom.    ruled for nearly three decades until 2019 but
         Kazakhstan’s sovereign bonds were hit   appears to have left the country amid the   transits through Ukraine
       as the crisis rapidly escalated and Russian   turmoil, helped attract hundreds of billions of
       paratroopers were dispatched to assist the ex-  dollars of foreign investment into its oil and   since January
       Soviet state’s regime.              metals industries, such as uranium extraction.
         January 6 saw Kazakhstan’s 2045 dollar   Kazatomprom , the world’s biggest   Since the beginning of this year, Russia has
       bond, which had its worst day since the peak   uranium producer, said on January 6 it   reduced gas transits through Ukraine to
       of the COVID-19 panic in March 2020 on   was operating normally with no impact on   52.5mn cubic metres per day with reserved
       January 5, slide further, falling as much as 1   production or exports. “Uranium mining is   daily volumes of 109.6 cubic metres.
       cent and nearing 20-month lows.     going according to plan there have been no   According to general director of GTS Serhiy
         With a solid macroeconomic position   stoppages. The company is fulfulling its export  Makogon, we expect the decline in transits
       Kazakhstan’s debt has been seen as relatively   contracts,” a Kazatomprom spokesperson was   will continue, as nominations at the beginning
       stable. The nation’s debt lost 2.9% last year,   quoted as saying by Reuters.  of the gas day will be about 50.5 mcm per
       according to a Bloomberg index tracking   Uranium prices have, however, soared   day. According to him, this will be the lowest
       sovereign dollar bonds from emerging   in recent days amid the unrest Kazakhstan,   transit level since the end of January 2020.
       markets, so obligations have already lost more   which produces more than 40% of the   At the same time, the Russian gas monopoly
       value in the first days of January than in all of   radioactive metal used in nuclear fuel.  Gazprom has not given any information about
       last year.                             Uranium surged almost 8% to $45.25 a   the reduction in gas transits.
         The protests this week hit Kazakhstan   pound on Wednesday from $42 Tuesday,
       companies listed in London, mostly raw   according to UxC data.
       material producers, with the local exchange in   Given Kazakhstan’s role as the world’s No.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   12•January•2022
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