Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 02 2022
P. 9

FSUOGM                                        INVESTMENT                                           FSUOGM

       Gazprom eyes stake in Baltic

       chemicals complex

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Gazprom has secured approval from  processing complex, this is the first time that it
                         federal regulators to buy a 50% stake in the Baltic  has been confirmed that Gazprom is seeking a
      Rusgazdobycha might   Chemical Complex near St Petersburg.  role in the chemicals complex as well. The com-
      be struggling to finance   The project’s operator is Rusgazdobycha, a  pany has only limited petrochemicals capacity
      the project on its own.  private company which currently has a 100%  versus its rivals such as Rosneft and Lukoil.
                         stake. The complex will be fed with natural gas   FAS’ approval comes weeks after South
                         liquids (NGLs) from a major gas processing  Korea’s DL E&C was hired for $1.3bn to supply
                         complex that Gazprom and Rusgazdobycha  equipment for the chemicals complex, predicted
                         are developing in the area. It will produce 3mn  to be the largest of its kind in the world.
                         tonnes per year of polyethylene, 120,000 tpy   No details about Gazprom’s purchase are
                         of butane and 50,000 tpy of hexane, starting in  available, although Kommersant speculates
                         2024.                                that that Rusgazdobycha might be struggling
                           The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS)  to finance the RUB1.5 trillion project on its
                         said on January 10 that the planned purchase  own. Gazprom, on the other hand, is earning
                         would not restrict competition in the petro-  record profits right now on the back of the
                         chemicals market.                    European gas crisis, creating extra funds for
                           Despite their partnership at the Baltic gas  investments. ™


       Moldova faces hike in

       Russian gas price

        MOLDOVA          MOLDOVA is paying $647 per 1,000 cubic  and, as a result, guarantee their continuity.”
                         metres for Russian gas this month, under the   One of the main conditions for the contract’s
       Moldova entered into   terms of a new supply contract reached in late  continuation is the timely payment for debts,
       a new contract for   October that averted a severe energy crisis in the  not only for current gas supplies but also historic
       Russian gas in October.  former Soviet state.          ones. Gazprom estimates Moldovagaz’ total debt
                            This marks a 17.5% growth in the country’s  at $433mn.
                         gas price month on month from $550 in Decem-  Moldova is completely dependent on Russia
                         ber, state gas distributor Moldovagaz reported to  for its gas needs. The country has tried to diver-
                         TASS. It attributed the rise to higher European  sify by building a new pipeline to tap Romanian
                         prices. Under the terms of the company’s con-  supplies, but though completed, the pipeline is
                         tract with Gazprom, the price partly depends  not online. A stumbling block to diversification
                         on hub rates in Europe and partly on global oil  efforts is Russia’s dominant role in the Moldovan
                         prices.                              energy sector. Not only does Gazprom provide
                            Gazprom threatened to cut gas supplies to  all of the country’s gas, but it also has a majority
                         Moldova in late November unless it paid off its  share in Moldovagaz, and Inter RAO, another
                         gas debts. Moldovagaz stressed on January 10  state-owned Russian company, operates a power
                         that the company would “make every possible  plant in the breakaway region of Transnistria that
                         effort to timely and fully pay for current supplies  provides the bulk of the country’s electricity. ™

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