Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 02 2022
P. 11
Gazprom Neft launches new
infrastructure to target oil rims
RUSSIA RUSSIAN oil producer Gazprom Neft has com- Gazprom Neft’s deputy CEO for upstream,
missioned new infrastructure to exploit oil rims Vadim Yakovlev, said the oil-rim projects at
Gazprom Neft is at the Pestsovoye and En-Yakhinskoye fields in Pestsovoye and En-Yakhinskoye would form
targeting oil rims at the Yamalo-Nenets region of Western Siberia, part of a new oil and gas production clus-
gas fields to boost its the company recently reported. ter that the company is developing in the
production. Oil rims are thin layers of oil that are covered Nadym-Pur-Tazovsky district of Yamalo-Ne-
typically by a much larger volume of gas, and are nets, known more for its gas rather than its
present at a number of Siberia’s largest gas depos- oil reserves.
its. Gazprom Neft has begun exploiting them in In the future, Achimov layers at Pestsovoye
recent years to boost its overall production vol- could also be developed, Gazprom Neft said. The
umes, under risk-operatorships with Gazprom. Achimov formation is found throughout much
Gazprom in turn receives a fee for produced of Western Siberia at depths of between 2,500
volumes. and 4,00 metres and is considered one of Rus-
Gazprom Neft said it expected to produce sia’s most challenging horizons. But producers
2.8mn tonnes (56,000 barrels per day) of liquid are increasingly turning to this hard-to-recover
hydrocarbons and 4.3bn cubic metres of gas resource to fulfil their growth plans.
from Pestsovoye and En-Yakhinskoye in 2022. “Additional reserves being brought into
The company said it had employed innovative development, as part of this new cluster over the
solutions at the projects, including the aerial next five years could see production volumes
monitoring of construction work, and the deliv- doubling against original plans next year,” the
ery of mobile modular oil production and treat- deputy CEO continued. “While oil-rim deposits
ment systems, helping to speed up development. are complex, requiring the use of cutting-edge
“These ready-to-use units have been installed technologies, they already account for about
at the field from ready-made modules, bringing 20% of our annual production volumes – and
field development forward by two years,” Gaz- this figure is only going to grow going forward.”
prom Neft said. “High-tech multilateral wells – Gazprom Neft has said it is on track to reach
with horizontal shafts running to more than 2 its long-held goal of producing 2mn tonnes per
km – have been drilled to produce oil and gas year (tpy) (2mn bpd) by the end of this year,
from narrow oil rims. The complexity of these thanks to the development of oil rims, the launch
wells’ construction makes them unique to Rus- of the Tazovskoye oilfield in June and an expan-
sia’s oil and gas industry.” sion in gas volumes.
Week 02 12•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11