Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 02 2022
P. 12

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Gazprom to add third skyscraper

       at St Petersburg HQ

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Gazprom is considering the construc-  Petersburg.
                         tion of a third skyscraper at its Lakhta head-  The unveiling of a third tower follows a
       Lakhta Centre-3 would   quarters in St Petersburg, the company recently  bumper year for Gazprom financially, on
       be 555 metres in   revealed on its website.            the back of the surge in gas demand in Rus-
       height.             The proposed tower would have a height  sia, Europe and Asia. Company CEO Alexei
                         of 555 metres, joining the 462-metre Lakhta  Miller began the new year by proclaiming
                         Centre-1 tower commissioned in 2018 and the  that Gazprom would post its highest annual
                         planned 703-metre Lakhta Centre-3 tower,  revenues in 2021 in the company’s history. He
                         which is yet to be built. Lakhta Centre-1 is the  also noted that the company had achieved its
                         tallest tower in Europe, while Lakha Centre-2  highest gas output in 13 years – some 515bn
                         is expected to be the second-tallest tower in the  cubic metres.
                         world after the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai,   Gazprom plans to reinvest much of these
                         which has a height of 830 metres.    windfall earnings in major new infrastructure
                           Lakhta Centre-3 would take up an area of  projects, including the Ust-Luga LNG and gas
                         179,000 square metres, according to Gazprom.  processing plant near St Petersburg, where the
                         Its projected cost has not been disclosed, and  company said in October it would consider add-
                         neither has that of Lakhta Centre-2. But the  ing a third liquefaction train to the plan, and the
                         company confirmed in 2018 that Lakhta Cen-  development of new gas fields in remote areas of
                         tre-1 had required RUB121bn ($1.6bn) to build.  northern Russia.
                           Gazprom has been gradually relocating its   Further ahead, Gazprom is advancing plans
                         headquarters to St Petersburg from Moscow  for a second pipeline to send Russian gas via
                         over the last decade. But the decision to have its  China that would run through Mongolia. Stud-
                         annual shareholders meeting in the Baltic city  ies are currently underway, although it could be
                         was only taken in June last year. Two months  some time before the company clinches a gas
                         later the company re-registered itself in St  deal with China to underpin the project. ™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

                                           1.6mn barrels per day (bpd) in recent months.   a joint lift of SOCAR, and departed for Trieste
       Kazakhstan joint venture            The country’s oil production has only very   (Italy).
                                           rarely seen disruption caused by unrest or
                                                                                  The BTC shareholders are: bp (30.1%);
       Tengizchevroil gradually            a natural disaster. TCO produces around   AzBTC (25%); MOL (8.9%); Equinor
                                           700,000 bpd.
                                                                                (8.71%); TPAO (6.53%); Eni (5%); Total (5%),
       returns to normal oil                                                    ITOCHU (3.4%); INPEX (2.5%), ExxonMobil
                                                                                (2.5%) and ONGC (BTC) Limited (2.36%).
       production rates                    Azerbaijani oil exports from

       Kazakhstan’s largest oil venture    Ceyhan poised to fall to             Ukraine may have to siphon
       Tengizchevroil (TCO) is gradually boosting
       production to reach normal rates at the   14.72mn barrels in February off Russian gas from transit
       Tengiz field after protests limited output
       there in recent days, operator Chevron said   Exports of Azerbaijani crude through the   pipelines – former Naftogaz
       on January 9.                       Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline from the
         Production at Kazakhstan’s biggest   Turkish port of Ceyhan were set at 14.72mn   chief
       oilfield Tengiz was cut last week amid the   barrels in February 2022 from 17.27mn
       countrywide protests that led to some   barrels in January 2022, according to Reuters.   Ukraine’s energy crisis continues and Kyiv
       workers disrupting train lines in support of   The daily loading of the variety is reported to   could be staring at severe gas import issues
       demonstrators. Chevron stands as the largest   be down 5.6% in February compared to the   during this heating season and might have
       foreign oil producer in the Central Asian   January loading plan.        to siphon off Russian gas from pipelines
       nation with a 50% stake in the TCO joint   The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil export   that transit Ukraine, the former head of the
       venture.                            pipeline, operated by bp,  reached an   Naftogaz company, Andrey Kobolev, stated.
         “TCO is safely and gradually increasing   important milestone on December 12, 2021,   “Ukraine is unable to do without
       production to reach normal rates,” Chevron   when the 500 millionth tonne of Caspian oil   considerable amounts of imported gas in the
       said in a statement.                passed through the pipeline, and was loaded   first quarter of 2022 to cope with the peak
         Kazakhstan’s oil output stood at around   onto the 4,922nd tanker Nordorse, which was   pressures on its energy system during the low

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   12•January•2022
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