Page 7 - FSUOGM Week 02 2022
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FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Novatek signs Arctic LNG 2 supply

       deals with two Chinese firms

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Novatek announced on January 11  spot, according to the US Energy Information
                         that it had struck separate long-term supply  Administration (EIA). Large and small Chinese
       Both deals cover   agreements with two Chinese companies – Zhe-  buyers alike have been in the news several times
       supplies from Arctic   jiang Provincial Energy Group and ENN Natural  in recent months as they struck new deals to buy
       LNG-2.            Gas.                                 LNG. Indeed, ENN also signed a long-term sup-
                           Both deals entail LNG being supplied from  ply deal with the US’ Cheniere Energy in Octo-
                         Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project, which is under  ber 2021.
                         construction and scheduled to start production   Arctic LNG 2, which is located on the Gydan
                         in 2023.                             Peninsula in northern Siberia, will consist of
                           Novatek’s sales and purchase agreement  three liquefaction trains, each with a capacity
                         (SPA) with Zhejiang builds on a heads of agree-  of 6.6mn tpy and will use gas produced from
                         ment (HoA) signed between the two companies  the Utrenneye field as feedstock. The plant will
                         in June 2021. It entails the supply of up to 1mn  have a total capacity of 19.8 million tpy, as well as
                         tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG on a delivered ex  cumulative gas condensate production capacity
                         ship (DES) basis over a period of 15 years.  of 1.6mn tpy. It will be Novatek’s second LNG
                           Meanwhile, Novatek’s SPA with ENN  terminal after Yamal LNG, which has been in
                         involves the supply of 600,000 tpy of LNG over  service since 2017.
                         an 11-year period, also on a DES basis. That   As of 31 December 2020, the Utrenneye
                         LNG will be delivered to ENN’s Zhoushan  field’s proven and probably (2P) reserves totalled
                         LNG receiving terminal in China, while the  1.4 trillion cubic metres of natural gas and 90mn
                         LNG that is due to be delivered to Zhejiang  tonnes of liquids.
                         will go to more than one of the company’s ter-  Novatek – the largest independent gas pro-
                         minals in China.                     ducer in Russia, operates Arctic LNG 2 with a
                           “We have reached another milestone in suc-  60% interest. France’s TotalEnergies, China
                         cessful marketing of Novatek’s share of LNG  National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), China
                         to be produced by our Arctic LNG 2 project,”  National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) and
                         stated Novatek’s chairman of the management  Japan Arctic LNG – a consortium comprising
                         board, Leonid Mikhelson, in the announcement  Mitsui & Co. and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals
                         about the ENN deal. “This is another LNG SPA  National Corp. (JOGMEC) – each hold 10%
                         for delivery to the Chinese market, which is in  stakes in the project.
                         line with our LNG strategy to expand sales to the   All of the external funding for Arctic LNG
                         Asia-Pacific region with its growing demand for  2 was secured in December after a consortium
                         clean-burning natural gas.”          of international banks signed loan agreements
                           China was the world’s largest importer of  with the project. The banks agreed to provide
                         LNG in the first 10 months of 2010, overtaking  $10.8bn for a period of up to 15 years for the
                         Japan, which had previously been in the top  $21bn scheme. ™

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