Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 02 2022
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                         during electronic trading, as there is no mecha-  He issued a presidential decree in June last
                         nism to limit such increases.        year urging for the project’s development to be
                           The full transition to electronic trading of  accelerated.
                         LPG will be postponed by a year, and a commis-  “At the moment only a feasibility study has
                         sion has been set up to investigate the situation  been carried out. The issue of financing the pro-
                         in the meantime, the president said.   ject has not been resolved,” he said.
                           “During this period, the regulatory frame-  Kazakhstan relies to a great degree on
                         work should be carefully prepared, the trans-  imported LPG from Russia that has been sep-
                         parency operation of trading platforms should  arated from natural gas delivered from Kazakh-
                         be ensured, and mechanisms to limit the sharp  stan to Russia for processing. The government is
                         rise in prices should be introduced,” Tokayev  therefore striving to build up domestic gas pro-
                         said.                                cessing capacity to reduce these imports.
                           The president also ordered the Prosecutor
                         General to launch a probe into potential price  Impact on oil
                         collusion that has taken place. Prosecutors will  Chevron, the operator of Kazakhstan’s largest
                         submit a report on their findings within 20 days.  oilfield Tengiz, confirmed on January 6 that pro-
                           What is more, he called for systemic reforms  duction had been affected by the unrest. Media
                         to the gas and gas processing sectors to ensure  reports show workers at the field joining the pro-
                         that there is enough investment and that supply  test over LPG prices.
                         is stable.                             There is no other evidence of an impact on
                           “We cannot do without systemic, but  oil output in the second-largest crude producer
                         thoughtful and gradual reforms,” he said. “It is  in the former Soviet Union after Russia. Foreign
                         necessary to carry out a quality reset of the gas  oil majors play a significant role in the country’s
                         industry, to ensure full loading of commercial  hydrocarbon sector. Besides Chevron, they
                         gas on the domestic market.”         include Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell, TotalEnergies,
                           The president also took aim at delays in the  Inpex and CNPC. Oil prices have nevertheless
                         construction of a new LPG plant in Mangystau.  jumped on news of the unrest. ™
                                              PIPELINES & TRANSPORT

       New German govt stresses Nord

       Stream 2 is just business

        EUROPE           THE Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to bring more  policies towards Russia regarding the amassing
                         Russian gas to Germany should be viewed sepa-  of its troops at the border with Ukraine, nor its
       The Social Democrats   rately to any political and human rights disputes  alleged human rights abuses.
       Party shares the   with Moscow, a senior official from the Social   SPD’s position on Nord Stream 2 mirrors
       position of former   Democrats Party (SDP) that leads the country’s  that of the former chancellor Angela Merkel’s
       Chancellor Angela   coalition government said, echoing the view of  Christian Democratic Union, which insisted
       Merkel.           former chancellor Angela Merkel.     that Nord Stream 2 should be treated only as a
                           The controversial Russian project was com-  commercial project that would benefit Germany,
                         pleted in September but is yet to flow any gas, as  rather than a political one. But it also clashes with
                         first the Gazprom-owned operator of the pipe-  that of its junior coalition partner, the Greens,
                         line must be certified by German regulators.  who staunchly oppose the pipeline, on both
                         Gazprom suffered a major setback on this front  political and environmental grounds, arguing
                         in November, when regulators said they would  that it will lock in extra demand for gas in Ger-
                         suspend the certification process until Gazprom  many for many years to come.
                         had registered a German subsidiary to manage   The Greens have also harshly criticised the
                         the pipeline.                        European Commission for recently proposing to
                           A final decision is no longer anticipated until  recognise gas and nuclear energy as sustainable
                         the second half of this year, and regulators have  investments, accusing Brussels of greenwashing.
                         stressed that certification must be completed  In an attack on this viewpoint, Kuehnert said that
                         before the pipeline can flow any gas.  trying to get the EU to block a path for nuclear
                           “Nord Stream 2 is, so to say, nearly connected  energy was “utopian.” While Germany opposes
                         to the grid, with only the lack of legal permits  nuclear power, most other member states sup-
                         hindering the final start of operations,” the SPD’s  port its use, he said.
                         general secretary Kevin Kuehnert said in an   SPD has also followed in the policy of the
                         interview with Reuters on January 8. “At some  preceding government in recognising gas as a
                         stage, there must be political and legal peace in  bridge fuel that can serve as a replacement for
                         such a discussion.”                  nuclear and coal, which Germany is phasing out,
                           Kuehnert stressed that discussions about the  until renewables have been sufficiently scaled
                         project should not be mixed up with German  up.™

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