Page 13 - DMEA Week 47 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                              FUELS                                               DMEA

       BOST receives long-delayed

       shipment of US-produced pipes

        AFRICA           BULK Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST),  led by President Nana Akufo-Addo, has finally
                         Ghana’s state fuel import concern, has finally  paid the $63.2mn purchase price for the US-pro-
                         taken delivery of the steel pipes that will be  duced pipes. It has also spent $8mn to refurbish
                         used to expand the Tema-Akosombo petro-  the pipes, which were in poor condition after
                         leum product pipeline after a delay of 12 years.  being left in Houston for so long, and has paid
                         According to a GhanaWeb report dated Novem-  $2.1mn to cover shipping costs.
                         ber 22, the company received the shipment of   BOST had originally ordered the pipes with
                         12-inch (304.8-mm) pipes on November 19.  the intent of constructing two fuel pipelines to
                           As noted above, the delivery is long overdue.  serve Ghana’s interior regions and of expanding
                         BOST had originally ordered the materials from  the storage capacity of the Mami Water termi-
                         American Tank & Vessel (ATV), a US-based  nal from 120,000 tonnes to 230,000 tonnes. (The
                         company, in 2009 with the intent of using part  Mami Water terminal connects the Accra Plains
                         of a $79.4mn credit from the US Export-Import  Depot (APD), Ghana’s main fuel import facility,
                         Bank (Eximbank) to settle its bill. However, the  to the Akosombo petroleum products depot.)
                         government of Ghana, which was then led by   It has now revised its plans and will use the
                         President John Atta Mills, did not complete the  pipes to expand the diameter of the Tema-
                         payment process. The succeeding administra-  Akosombo line from 6 inches (152.4 mm) to 12
                         tion, led by President John Dramani Mahama,  inches (304.8 mm). Edwin Alfred Provencal, the
                         also failed to resolve the matter. As a result, the  managing director of BOST, said in September
                         pipes remained in the port of Houston and were  of this year that the expansion project would sig-
                         not sent to Ghana.                   nificantly boost fuel supplies in Ghana’s interior
                           Now, though, Ghana’s current government,  regions.™


       Gubretas withdraws from

       tender citing price issues

        MIDDLE EAST      GUBRETAS said last week that it has withdrawn  crisis is deepening with additional supply chain
                         its offer submitted in a fertilizer purchase tender  problems. Turkey’s Agricultural Credit Cooper-
                         held on September 15 by Turkey’s agriculture  ative (Tarim Kredi) has a 76% stake in Gubretas.
                         ministry, citing booming prices along with sup-  while 24% is listed on Borsa Istanbul. An indi-
                         ply problems. In the tender run by Tarim Islet-  vidual called Oguzhan Sahinkaya holds a 9%
                         meleri Genel Mudurlugu (TIGEM/Agricultural  stake in the company via Borsa Istanbul.
                         Enterprises General Directorate), Gubretas was   Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hit-
                         the second-best bidder. However, on October 15,  ting out at prices charged by private supermar-
                         TIGEM invited Gubretas to sign the agreement  kets, lately ordered Tarim Kredi to open more
                         after the top bidder withdrew its offer.   stores with “reasonable” prices.
                            TIGEM has not accepted Gubretas’ applica-  Prices at Tarim Kredi stores are higher than
                         tion to withdraw its bid and Gubretas was on  the targeted hard discount chains while Tarim
                         November 16 banned from participating in gov-  Kredi’s fertilizer producing unit is withdrawing
                         ernment tenders for a six-month period.  from government tenders. Critics said he was
                            Gubretas will object to the ban at an admin-  deflecting from his own responsibility for high
                         istrative court, saying that it was a force majeure  inflation. It is relatively easy to sell ‘hot headlines’
                         situation.                           to the media but agriculture is a real job. Turkey,
                            Revenues from government tenders showed  say cynics, is a perfect semi-colony, with coloni-
                         a tiny 0.30% share in Gubretas’ 2020 revenues  sation in the postcolonial era beginning with the
                         and 0.15% in January-September 2021 revenues.  transformation of domestic agriculture into an
                            The story here is that fertilizer prices have  import-dependent model, which is supposed to
                         been booming on soaring energy prices and the  increase efficiency.™

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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