Page 14 - DMEA Week 47 2021
P. 14
Saipem to install Sakarya pipeline in 2022
MIDDLE EAST ITALIAN engineering, procurement and con- company announced that it had found another
struction (EPC) specialist Saipem was awarded 135 bcm with the Asmara-1 well, taking the total
a deal by Turkish Petroleum (TPAO) to lay a 175- volume discovered so far at Sakarya to 540 bcm.
km pipeline tying back the offshore Sakarya gas TPAO has been carrying out a 10-well drill-
field to the Turkish mainland. ing campaign designed to achieve first gas and
According to Saipem, the pipelaying will take reach 3.5-4 bcm per year by 2023 and a further
place in Spring 2022, with the contract covering 30 wells will be drilled to reach an annual plateau
the transport and installation (T&I) of pipelines of 15 bcm by 2025.
to a water depth of 2,200 metres. It added that the Under the drilling programme, the Fatih
work will be conducted mainly by its Castorone drillship began work on the Turkali-5 well in
vessel. mid-September, following the successful com-
The award was confirmed on November 22 pletion of the Tuna1-, Turkali-1, 2, 3 and 4, and
by Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Min- Asmara-1 wells.
ister Fatih Donmez, who said that by the time In August, TPAO lit the first gas flare at the
the pipelaying was being carried out, Turkey will new field and performed the first flow test at Tur-
have acquired a fifth drillship, capable of oper- kali-2. That well flowed at 22mmcf (0.623 mcm)
ating in harsh conditions and on high-pressure per day, less than the 26.5 mmcf (0.75 mcm) per
reservoirs. This followed comments by Turkish day recorded in July during a test which sug-
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said that gested the reservoir could flow at around 42.5
the newly acquired drillship would be mobilised mmcf (1.2 mcm per day).
to either the Black Sea or the Eastern Mediterra- A reservoir-1 test last week at Turkali-2 ran at
nean to aid in the country’s exploration efforts. 650,000 cubic metres.
In October, US oilfield services specialist In an analysis of Sakarya published last week,
Schlumberger and Luxembourg-registered Ciaran Nolan, director of Nolan Geoscience,
Subsea 7 were awarded an engineering, procure- said that the proposed Phase 1 development of
ment, construction and installation (EPCI) con- Sakarya “is very similar to the Corrib Field, West
tract covering subsurface solutions to onshore of Ireland in terms of concept design, deliverabil-
production, including well completions, subsea ity, gas quality, wells and EUR”.
production systems (SPS), subsea umbilicals, He added: “TPAO’s resource estimate com-
risers, flowlines (SURF) and an early production prises 405 bcm for #Sakarya (split between two
facility (EPF) for Sakarya. The EPF will be capa- reservoir intervals) and 135 bcm for Amasra.
ble of handling 350mn cubic feet (9.9mn cubic The reservoirs are Pliocene and Miocene deep-
metres) per day of gas. water sands, sealed by shales of similar age. Bio-
TPAO discovered 320bn cubic metres of genic gas is sourced from Pliocene to Maykop
gas at Tuna-1 in August 2020, which was sub- (Miocene – Oligocene) shales. Other discov-
sequently upgraded to 405 bcm two months eries in the play include Domino and Lira in Image Source: Nolan
later and renamed Sakarya. In early June, the Romania.” Geoscience
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 47 25•November•2021