Page 15 - DMEA Week 47 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                             The company is one of the world’s leading   150,000 tonnes of coal per month and is in
                                           suppliers of high-quality base oil and the only   good standing to produce thermal electricity,
       Luberef reports zero work-          base oil supplier across the Middle East, East   but the company’s initial aim was to extract
                                           Africa, India, Pakistan, Singapore and Europe.
       related incidents                   A joint venture (JV) between Saudi Aramco   The Chronicle said the first phase of a planned
                                                                                  Operations director Menard Makota told
                                           (70%) and Jadwa Industrial Investment Co.
       Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company (Luberef)   (30%), Luberef began operations in 1978 with   750-MW power station should be up within
       has continued its multi-year achievements of   a refinery in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and added   three years, while gas mining will be resumed
       zero lost time incidents (LTI) and a zero total   a second refinery in Yanbu, also in Saudi   later.
       recordable incident rate (TRIR).    Arabia, in 1998.                       “Gas mining is very expensive. We are
         In total, Luberef Jeddah has completed   The company’s production includes both   drilling as deep as 500 metres and also it
       14.1 million man hours and Luberef Yanbu   API Group I (aramcoDURA) base oil for use   requires a lot of technology, which currently is
       15.6 million man hours without an LTI, as of   in automotive and industrial engines, and   still starting in Zimbabwe.
       August 2021. Meanwhile, Luberef’s zero TRIR   API Group II (aramcoPRIMA) base oil to   “So, us being an indigenous company we
       achievement places it as a global performance   formulate heavy duty diesel engine oils, as   have shelved that a bit and we are going to do
       leader, significantly better than the global   well as derivative oils, industrial hydraulic and   that in the later years.”
       average for the sector of 0.7 TRIR, as reported   turbine oils.            As for the power station, Makota said that
       by the International Association of Oil and   In addition, Luberef produces specialty   its first 150 MW should be connected to the
       Gas Producers.                      products such as drilling oil, diesel and bright   national grid in 2024.
         To reinforce the importance of refinery   stock extract, and other products such as   “We have had a [setback] due to recent
       safety, meetings are held at least once a month   asphalt, sulfur and marine heavy fuel oil.  announcement by China that they are no
       by each department, with key departments   The company is also an integral part   longer funding thermal power stations, and
       such as operations and industrial security   of the Saudi Aramco Base Oil Alliance,   so, we are trying to change that technology to
       holding multiple safety meetings each month.   together with Motiva (US) and S-Oil (South   first change the coal into gas then from there
       These meetings reinforce the importance of   Korea). The alliance has helped it to expand   we do energy,” Makota is quoted as saying.
       safety and helped contribute to there being   its product offering to include API Group   “We have already engaged the funder who
       no medical treatment cases, no motor vehicle   III (aramcoULTRA) base oil for high   is working on the modalities to start the 150
       accidents and no fires or spills at either   performance and efficiency.  MW then afterwards we are going to do the
       refinery.                           HYDROCARBON ENGINEERING              second 600 MW to make it 750 MW.”
         Luberef’s commitment to health, safety                                 BNE
       and the environment was recognised earlier   Zambezi Gas shelves
       in 2021 when the company was honoured
       in Saudi Aramco’s 2021 President’s Affiliates   Matabeleland gas project  REFINING
       Excellence Awards with a gold award for
       “Best Performance in Health, Safety and   Zimbabwean company Zambezi Gas and   Egypt pulls EBRD refinery
       Environment’, and a silver award for “Most   Coal Mine has shelved plans to establish
       Improved Performance in Energy Intensity’.  a gas production project in the country’s   amid shareholder concerns
         These annual awards by Saudi Aramco are   Matabeleland North region, citing prohibitive
       designed to promote and recognise the safety   costs associated with the venture, The   Egypt withdrew a $250 million loan request
       and operational performance at refining and   Chronicle reported on November 22.  to the European Bank for Reconstruction
       petrochemical affiliates and subsidiaries.  The Matabeleland North mine produces   and Development for an oil refinery

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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