Page 16 - DMEA Week 47 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       modernization Monday, two days before the   project, telling Devex by email that it was   value during their lifespan. Materials can
       decisive board meeting, according to bank   aligned with the mitigation goals of the 2015   then be recovered and products regenerated
       management.                         Paris climate accord.                as their service life comes to an end,” David
         The money would have gone to the state-  “The proposed investment plans to   Stockton, CEO, Dulsco, said.
       owned Alexandria Petroleum Company for a   control emissions, improve water and energy   Using expert manpower and cutting-
       wastewater treatment facility ($100 million),   efficiency, reuse of wastewater [and] upgrade   edge technologies, Dulsco has developed
       a cooling tower, vapor recovery unit, and   production to cleaner Euro 5 standard diesel,”   environmentally aligned products and
       energy efficiency measures ($30 million), and   Al-Mashat wrote.         services to meet the unique needs of complex
       to partially fund technology that removes   “All this without increasing the production   industries such as the nation’s ports and oil
       sulphur from car fuel ($120 million) to   volumes, would definitely support the   and gas sectors.
       improve air quality.                company and the country [in] achieving   The company’s recent investment is a state-
         For EBRD management, the loan was a   higher environmental and procurement   of-the-art oil re-refinery facility, capable of
       chance to engage with Egypt on the country’s   standards.”               processing around 1,400 tonnes of oily waste
       low-carbon pathway and reduce carbon   DEVEX                             and 600 sludge generated by the marine, oil,
       dioxide emissions, without increasing the                                gas, and industrial sectors per month.
       plant’s capacity.                   Dulsco launch unique oil               As a major regional and international trade
         NGOs, however, criticized the project for                              hub, daily marine traffic into Jebel Ali and the
       prolonging fossil fuel infrastructure. Some of   re-refinery plant in UAE  Port of Rashid in Dubai is high, requiring a
       the multilateral lender’s 73 shareholders were                           facility for safe disposal of marine waste, in
       apprehensive as well.               The environmental solutions vertical of   line with IMO-Marpol standards.
         Projects require a simple majority of the   Dulsco Group has launched an advanced oil   Dulsco is the only waste management
       voting power of the banks’ shareholders, the   re-refinery plant, the first of its type in the   company in Dubai approved to handle all
       largest of which is the United States, followed   region. The facility, located at Jebel Ali, spans   types of marine waste as per Marpol annex 1,
       by the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and   over 14,000sqm.              2, 3, 4 and 5.
       Germany. None of the major shareholders   Progress within any industry comes at the   “Dulsco’s re-refinery facility adds to Dubai’s
       asked by Devex in the past week about   expense of an unfortunate by-product “waste”.   goal of providing a fully-integrated resolution
       whether or not they supported the project   Progressively developing economies such as   to the Maritime Industry’s various oily wastes
       answered the question.              the UAE’s value sustainability as an integral   to help protect the environment and our vital
         Consultations between shareholders   component of the country’s development   natural resources. Waste, oil, and oily sludge
       and management intensified in the run up   efforts, and waste management is treated with   contains hazardous components. If used as
       to Wednesday’s board meeting, which was   the utmost of importance.      fuel without treatment, toxic components are
       expected to approve the loan.          Investing heavily in technology and   released into our environment that pollute the
         Finally, EBRD’s managing director for   innovation, Dulsco seeks to support the UAE’s   air we breathe and water we drink”.
       communications, Jonathan Charles, told   agenda for sustainability and the country’s   “Dulsco looks forward to working closely
       Devex by email Monday: “Egypt has decided   mission to achieve a circular economy.  with DP world and the marine sector in
       to withdraw the Alexandria Refinery project.   “Our priority is to play a leading role   Dubai, in our efforts to provide a state-of-the-
       It will not be going to the EBRD Board for   nationally in implementing sustainable   art processing facility to handle these wastes
       consideration this Wednesday.”      infrastructure for the future. We do this by   in line with Marpol and local environmental
         Charles referred questions on why the loan   ensuring that our values are applied through   requirements.” Stockton added.
       was withdrawn and next steps to Egyptian   investment, expertise, and education in   Instead of waste oil or oily sludge
       authorities, who did not immediately respond   circular economy best practices and recycling   remaining uncontrolled in the waste supply
       to request for comment.             projects.                            chain, it will be collected, treated, and reused,
         Just hours before EBRD said it had been   Our ultimate aim is not solely for us - we   in accordance with the highest standards.
       withdrawn, Rania Al-Mashat, Egypt’s minister   encourage others to maintain their resources   Dulsco’s fully integrated and
       of international cooperation, defended the   for as long as possible, to extract maximum   programmable logic controlled (PLC) plant,

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