Page 29 - SE Outlook Regions 2022
P. 29

Real GDP (% yoy)                    3.2       3.2       3.7       2.8       -3.2       3.5        3.3

         Consumer prices (avg, % yoy)        -1.1      1.2       1.4       0.6       -1.6

         Consumer prices (eop, % yoy)        -0.3      0.7       1.6       0.3       -1.0

         General budget balance (% of GDP)   1.2       2.6       2.3       1.9       -5.3

         Current account balance (% of GDP)  -4.8      -4.8      -3.3      -2.8      -3.8

         Official FX reserves ($ bn)         5.4       6.1       7.0       7.2       8.1

         EUR/LC (avg)                        2.0       2.0       2.0       2.0       2.0

         USD/LC (avg)                        1.8       1.7       1.7       1.7       1.7

         Source: Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, IMF, CBBH, World Bank

                               2.2.1 GDP growth

                               Bosnia’s Directorate for Economic Planning (DEP) estimates GDP
                               growth of 2.8% in 2021 and growth of 3.2% in 2022. The DEP assumes
                               that the key pillar of economic growth will be domestic demand and
                               estimates an average growth rate of private consumption of about 2%
                               over the next three years (2021: 1.7%, 2022: 1.9%, 2023: 2.1%).

                               However, the Central Bank of Bosnia & Herzegovina (CBBH) published
                               more optimistic estimates at the end of the year. According to the
                               CBBH, GDP growth in 2021 should be 5.8%, and in 2022 growth
                               should be 3.9%. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts
                               Bosnia's GDP growth at 3.5% in 2021 and 3.3% in 2022. In the same
                               period, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
                               (EBRD) forecasts Bosnian GDP growth of 4.5% and 3.0%, respectively.

                               As for the risks to the outlook for the period 2021-2023, the DEP says
                               they are mostly related to the migration of the population from Bosnia
                               — especially young, educated and qualified people — which could
                               result in reduced productivity and slower GDP growth than projected.

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