Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Oil sands producers considering

       nuclear to power operations

       Producers in Canada’s oil sands are exploring the possibility of using small modular

       reactor nuclear technology to power their operations

        CANADA           CANADA’S oil sands industry is under growing  are also much shorter, while construction of
                         pressure to decarbonise and is exploring new  conventional reactors can take many years.
       WHAT:             ways of doing this. In mid-July it emerged that   Ahead of SMR technology being rolled out,
       Oil sands producers are   interest was rising in the use of small modular  four Canadian provinces – New Brunswick,
       looking at the possibility   reactor (SMR) technology to help power opera-  Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta – have
       of using nuclear   tions in the oil sands.             agreed to collaborate on the advancement of
       technology to power their   The same week, the Canadian government  the technology as a cleaner energy option. The
       operations.       released two potential scenarios for an emis-  Canadian Press noted that researchers in the
                         sions cap on the oil and gas industry as part of a  country were also working on new materials
       WHY:              plan to cut its emissions by 42% by 2030. While  and designs that could make SMRs practical
       Decarbonisation targets   the proposals still have to clear a number of hur-  across a wider range of new uses.
       are renewing interest in   dles before one of them can become reality, the   The oil sands are thought to be at the fore-
       nuclear power.    fact that an emissions cap is being advanced will  front of Canadian regions with potential for the
                         add urgency to any initiatives for decarbonising  deployment of SMRs.
       WHAT NEXT:        the oil sands.                        “Without a doubt the oil sands is the biggest
       This comes as the                                      market for small modular reactors in Canada,”
       Canadian government   Nuclear option                   the Canadian Nuclear Association’s president
       advances efforts to   According to the Canadian Press, while SMRs  and CEO, John Gorman, was quoted by the
       establish an emissions   are not yet commercially available, the tech-  Canadian Press as saying. “It’s something that
       cap for the oil and gas   nology is close to that point. The International  some companies are very actively looking at.”
       industry.         Atomic Energy Agency has estimated that nearly   Oil sands producers typically use natural gas
                         100 SMRs could be operating globally by 2030.  to power their operations, generating high-tem-
                           SMRs can generate 10-300 MW of energy and  perature heat to produce steam, which in turn
                         are fully scalable. They also benefit from being  is used to extract bitumen from sand. Indeed,
                         able to be assembled in factory settings rather  Canada’s oil and gas industry accounts for 30%
                         than needing to be built on-site like large-scale  of the country’s gas consumption. As decarbon-
                         nuclear reactors. Timelines for building SMRs  isation increasingly takes priority, it is therefore

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2022
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