Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Halliburton posts improved

       second-quarter results

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD  services giant Halliburton  America: this market remains strong, steadily
                         announced its Q2 results this week, with the  growing, and all but sold out,” he said.
                         company’s performance benefiting from market   He pointed to the success and potential
                         dynamics.                            growth of its artificial lift and speciality chemi-
                           The company, unencumbered by a $344mn  cals offerings. Highlighting work installing elec-
                         write-down from the closure of its Russian  tric submersible pumps (ESPs) in Kuwait and
                         assets, posted a 41% increase in Q2 adjusted net  Oman, and trials in Saudi Arabia, Miller noted   Revenues in North
                         income compared to the first quarter, driven by  that there is significant upside in the Middle
                         higher demand for drilling on the back of buoy-  East. “Upon completion of trials at the end of the   America were
                         ant oil prices.                      year, we expect pre-qualification to participate
                           Halliburton’s completion and production  in Saudi Aramco’s future artificial lift tenders,”  26% higher amid
                         division reported margins of 17%, the highest  he said, noting that “Latin America is another
                         for eight years, as other services firms battle with  successful market for our artificial lift business”.  greater demand
                         supply chain issues.                   Halliburton also anticipates the growth of its   for hydraulic
                           Adjusted net income for the quarter rose  speciality chemicals business in the Middle East
                         to $442mn, up from $314mn during Q1, with  through the ramp-up of output at a new facil-  fracturing and
                         shares up by more than 25% on the year so far.  ity in Saudi Arabia and through a contract for
                         However, a pre-tax charge associated with its  drilling fluids, specialty chemicals and hydraulic   well servicing.
                         departure from Russia saw the company’s net  fracturing in Oman.
                         income drop from $263mn to $109mn. The   Revenues in North America were 26% higher
                         company’s CEO, Jeff Miller, said that spending  amid greater demand for hydraulic fracturing
                         by international customers is seen growing at a  and well servicing, and Miller said the com-
                         healthy pace over the next few years, noting that  pany will look to maintain this momentum.
                         underinvestment and politics had resulted in  Noting that Q2 had brought “another step up in
                         issues in energy supply security.    both US land rig activity and stages completed”
                           “We expect to benefit more from this mul-  with fracking increasing steadily, he said: “Our
                         ti-year upcycle than ever before. This aligns  strategic priority is to maximise value in North
                         perfectly with our strategy to deliver profit-  America by focusing on cash flow and returns,
                         able international growth. Turning to North  not market share.”™

       Week 29   21•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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