Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       over 95mn barrels of midstream sourcing,   “We are excited about the announcement   president of carbon solutions, commented:
       reuse, gathering and disposal water solutions   of BKV taking out XTO Energy in the core of   “We are excited to announce this agreement
       in multiple Basins to its customers to date in   the Barnett. Ever since these guys purchased   which expands our Gulf Coast CO2 storage
       2022.                               Devon’s position in 2020, they have been   portfolio. We now have multiple sequestration
         “Gravity continues to add new organic   actively permitting and drilling new wells   sites in an area with tremendous existing and
       water midstream volumes to our system,   every month. We can’t wait to see a lot of   future potential CO2 emissions as we strive
       and it is nice to see new growth activity with   our reserves come to life in the upcoming   to provide an economic, low-risk solution for
       new and existing customers in the Bakken,”   years. There is still a LOT of untapped natural   the storage of industrial carbon emissions.
       said Rob Rice, Gravity’s president and chief   gas waiting to be developed in our entire   Our proven track record in providing
       executive officer. “The Bakken team has   position,” shared Graham.      highly reliable transportation and secure
       worked hard to provide a reliable pipeline and   RISING PHOENIX ROYALTIES, July 21, 2022  underground injection of CO2 emissions
       disposal system that our customers can rely                              from our industrial partners, combined
       on to manage their water midstream needs as                              with our ideally positioned infrastructure,
       they focus on their oil and gas production.”  ENERGY TRANSITION          is unmatched in the industry and positions
       GRAVITY, July 21, 2022                                                   us well for continued success and growth in
                                           Denbury expands CO2                  CCUS.”

                                           sequestration portfolio
       MOVES                                                                    DENBURY, July 21, 2022
       Rising Phoenix Royalties            with additional site in              Kinder Morgan issues 2021
                                                                                Environmental, Social and
       continues to add to its             Louisiana’s Industrial               Governance report

       16,000 net royalty acre             Corridor                             Kinder Morgan announced today the
       Barnett shale position              Denbury today announced that it has signed   publication of its 2021 Environmental, Social
                                           a definitive agreement with a landowner
                                                                                and Governance (ESG) report. This report
       Rising Phoenix Royalties (RPR) announces   near Donaldsonville, Louisiana, to lease   is being issued three months earlier than in
       a natural gas acquisition from undisclosed   approximately 18,000 acres for future   prior years to provide stakeholders earlier
       sellers in the Barnett shale, Johnson County,   CO2 sequestration. The site is located in   access to the company’s ESG information.
       Texas. The wellsite operator is Fleur de Lis   Assumption and St. James Parishes, less   The 2021 report includes a new section
       Energy (FDL).                       than five miles from the company’s existing   describing KMI’s programmes related to
         “We love the Barnett shale; it’s been great   CO2 Green Pipeline and in close proximity   community engagement on energy and
       to us over the years. We have been actively   to the Louisiana Industrial Corridor, one   environmental justice. It also provides new
       aggregating minerals here for over 15 years   of the highest geographic concentrations of   metrics detailing the amount the company
       and see ourselves as an expert in the area. Our   industrial CO2 emissions in the United States.   pays in property taxes each year and the
       sellers felt comfortable with us and we shared   Denbury estimates more than 50 million   percentage of female and minority employees
       our return profile to help them make an   metric tons per year of existing stationary   who completed leadership training. An
       educated decision for their family,” noted Jace   CO2 emissions are located within 30 miles of   updated scenario analysis, that aligns with
       Graham, RPR CEO and founder.        the site.                            the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
         “Rising Phoenix and my family have   With excellent geologic characteristics,   Disclosures guidelines, is now available as
       assembled one of the larger mineral positions   including thick laterally extensive, low dip   well as company-wide Scope 1 and Scope
       in the core of the Barnett shale and will   reservoirs, the company anticipates the site   2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
       continue to strategically add to this position   will have high CO2 injectivity and total   emissions intensity. The emissions data
       for the foreseeable future,” continued Graham.   sequestration capacity of more than 80 million  includes both operational control and equity
       “We have a long history of working with   metric tons of CO2. Denbury estimates first   share, two types of reporting boundaries that
       owners to provide a quick, quality closing   potential CO2 injection for the site as early   are used to disclose GHG data.
       experience.”                        as 2025. The addition of this sequestration   “We are pleased to be publishing our
         FDL, headquartered in Dallas, TX, with   site expands the potential volume of CO2   report three months earlier than usual,” said
       field operations in Wyoming and Texas, has   that the company can sequester near   KMI’s Chief Operating Officer James Holland.
       an operational footprint in 3 major basins.   Donaldsonville, Louisiana, to approximately   “Not only were we able to accomplish our
       Its diverse world-class asset portfolio deploys   300 million metric tons, and the company’s   goal of achieving this earlier publication date,
       over $2.1bn in capital.             total sequestration site capacity has expanded   but we also built on our prior year’s report
         RPR is known as the industry leading   to approximately 1.5 billion metric tons,   by adding new metrics related to KMI’s
       expert in the Barnett shale. RPR and its   which includes sites along the US Gulf Coast   social and environmental initiatives in 2021.
       affiliated companies are some of Tarrant   in Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. Denbury   This coverage further enhances our report,
       County’s largest mineral owners with 16,000   intends to drill a stratigraphic test well in   and along with our continued disclosure
       net royalty acres in held-by-production (HBP)   one or more of its potential storage locations   of emissions and emission sources, reflects
       units, the majority operated by Total Energy   later this year to confirm the company’s   Kinder Morgan’s continued commitment to
       and XTO Energy (now ExxonMobil). XTO   geologic understanding and progress Class VI   transparent and responsible operations.”
       recently announced a sale of all their Barnett   permitting efforts with the EPA.  KINDER MORGAN, July 21, 2022
       shale assets to BKV, Denver, CO.       Nik Wood, Denbury’s senior vice

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