Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Woodside outlines plans for Gulf development

        GULF OF MEXICO   AUSTRALIA’S Woodside Energy this week  Shenzi North is a two-well development, located
                         provided updates on global operations, high-  in the Green Canyon protraction area off the
                         lighting plans for the development of offshore  coast of Louisiana, that will be tied back to the
                         assets in the US Gulf of Mexico. The com-  Shenzi tension leg platform (TLP). The Shenzi
                         pany said that several significant projects are  subsea multi-phase pump was installed and
                         expected to make progress over the next year  commissioned during a planned shutdown at the
                         following its recent acquisition of BHP’s hydro-  TLP. Shenzi North will have a production capac-
                         carbon assets.                       ity of up to 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per
                           The furthest along is the second phase of  day (boepd) and is expected to come on stream
       Woodside has a    the BP-operated Mad Dog oilfield in which  in 2024.
       23.9% stake in the   Woodside holds a 23.9% stake. The company   The company said that it has decided not to
       BP-operated Mad Dog   said that work is progressing on the hook-up  proceed with further development activities at
       2 project.        and commissioning of topsides for the floating  blocks GC564 and GC520, following the plug-
                         the Argos production platform, which will have  ging and abandonment of the unsuccessful S/101
                         a capacity of 140,000 barrels of oil equivalent per  appraisal well. Together, these were seen form-
                         day (boepd). However, during testing, an issue  ing the ‘Wildling’ tie-back opportunity for the
                         with a joint was identified and assessments are  Shenzi TLP.
                         ongoing, and it remains unclear whether this will   Further down the pipeline is the Trion oilfield
                         affect plans to launch the expansion phase by the  project, for which Woodside expects to take a
                         end of the year.                     final investment decision (FID) during 2023.
                           Woodside also expects to begin drilling its  The company is currently carrying out front-end
                         second development well at Shenzi North using  engineering and design (FEED) work focused on
                         the Deepwater Invictus drillship later in 2022.  optimising project plans, costs and timings.™

       Cheniere signs long-term

       LNG deal with PetroChina

        US-CHINA         THE US’ largest LNG exporter this week said
                         it had signed an agreement with a subsidiary of
                         state-owned PetroChina for the supply of gas
                         until 2050, the firm’s longest such deal.
                           In a press release on July 20, Cheniere said
                         that the sale and purchase agreement (SPA) cov-
                         ered flows of up to 1.8mn tonnes per year (tpy)
                         of LNG, delivered by Cheniere Marketing on a
                         free-on-board (FOB) basis to PetroChina Inter-  President and CEO Jack Fusco said the SPA
                         national (PCI).                      “increases Cheniere’s long-term sales to Pet-
                           Deliveries will begin in 2026, reaching the  roChina to approximately 3mn tpy, and we are
                         1.8mn tpy level in 2028 and run at that rate until  proud to support China’s progress toward a low-
                         2050 with the LNG price indexed to Henry Hub  er-carbon future with our reliable, cleaner burn-
                         plus a fixed fee for liquefaction.   ing LNG.”
                           The US firm said that “half of the total vol-  Meanwhile, PCI executive chairman, Tian
                         ume, or approximately 0.9mn tpy, is subject to  Jinghui noted that his company was “pleased to
                         Cheniere making a positive final investment  further expand our cooperation with Cheniere
                         decision to construct additional liquefaction  in delivering LNG, one of the cleanest fuel
                         capacity at the Corpus Christi LNG Terminal  choices to our millions of customers for many
                         beyond the [existing and planned] seven-train  years to come.”
                         Corpus Christi Stage 3 Project.”       Chinese firms have been snapping up
                           This follows the company’s approval in June  increased LNG exporters from the world’s larg-
                         of a $8bn expansion of the plant and said that  est exporters, illustrating the country’s pragma-
                         more expansions could be forthcoming. Capac-  tism in its approach to energy supply security
                         ity at Corpus Christi is expected to rise to 25mn  as new liquefaction capacity comes on-stream
                         tpy following the latest addition.   throughout the world.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2022
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