Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Momentum to acquire Midcoast

       assets in Texan midstream deal

        TEXAS            REPORTS emerged this week suggesting that  acquisition has financial support from EnCap
                         privately owned Texan firm Momentum Mid-  Flatrock Midstream.
                         stream has agreed to acquire pipeline assets in   For Momentum, which has been highly active
                         East Texas from Midcoast Energy for $1.3bn,  in the development of pipeline companies, this
                         including debt.                      would be its first deal since it sold projects to Wil-
                           According to sources that have intimate  liams Companies and DT Midstream in 2019.
                         knowledge of proceedings, spoken to by Reuters,   Meanwhile, Midcoast, which was acquired
                         the pipeline assets form part of the Haynesville  by ArcLight Capital Partners for around $1.1bn
                         shale. Meanwhile, Reuters reported in April that  in August 2018, has assets including 5,800 km of
                         Midcoast was looking to offload its East Texas  gas and NGL pipelines, six processing plants that
                         pipelines, targeting a sum of $2bn for the assets.  have a capacity of 700mn cubic metres, treating
                           Momentum has been expanding its portfolio  plants and liquid logistics facilities. The company
                         since 2004, over acquiring more than 3,200 km  offers various midstream services, covering gath-
                         of pipelines, 12 processing facilities, three natu-  ering, compressing, dehydration and marketing.
                         ral gas liquids (NGL) fractionation plants, more   It sold gas gathering and processing assets in
                         than 1mn barrels of storage and 260,000 horse-  the Anadarko Basin and a 35% operated stake in
                         power of compression.                the Texas Express Gathering pipeline to Produc-
                           Reuters’ sources said that the proposed  ers Midstream II in December last year.™


       ConocoPhillips, Shell consider Gulf sales

        GULF OF MEXICO   REPORTS emerged this week suggesting that
                         ConocoPhillips and Shell are considering the
                         sale of assets in the US Gulf of Mexico. Speaking
                         on condition of anonymity, sources told Reuters
                         that Shell was looking to sell assets with a view
                         to raising around $1.5bn, allowing it to focus on
                         newer and larger assets, including in the Gulf,
                         while ConocoPhillips’ move would mark its
                         departure from deepwater exploration and pro-
                         duction amid a shift towards the Permian Basin.
                           Shell is reportedly looking to offload the
                         Auger hub and its 37.5% stake in the Hess-op-
                         erated Conger field, which have a combined
                         production capacity of around 50,000 barrels
                         per day (bpd). It has hired an investment bank                           The Auger platform is
                         to carry out the sale.               Princess well, a development operated by Shell   one of the assets Shell
                           The UK-based supermajor owns eight pro-  that furnishes a net production to ConocoPhil-  is reportedly seeking to
                         ducing platforms and hubs in the Gulf, produc-  lips of around 13,700 barrels of oil equivalent per   offload.
                         ing around 475,000 bpd, and recently acquired  day (boepd).
                         51% of Equinor’s 100% stake in the deepwater   The company is targeting “high hundreds of
                         Sparta project, with the companies working  millions of dollars” for the sale. This comes as
                         towards a final investment decision (FID).  it looks to divest $4-5bn worth of assets by the
                           While Shell consolidates its efforts on newer  end of next year to support its expansion in the
                         assets, including the development of Whale  Permian.
                         which will come into operation in 2024, Cono-  Over the past two years the company has
                         coPhillips appears to be set to cut ties with the  spent around $23bn to expand its position in the
                         Gulf altogether.                     basin, including acquiring Shell’s assets.
                           The sources said that the company has   The sources both cautioned that there was no
                         hired an adviser to carry out the sales process  guarantee that either deal would go ahead, but
                         for its 15.9% stake in the Ursa platform and the  noted optimism amid oil price buoyancy.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2022
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