Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            the debt facility was provided by Community   ethane cracker, an important milestone for
                                           National Bank (CNB) of Midland.      us as we are expanding our global footprint
       Lodestone Energy Partners           LODESTONE ENERGY PARTNERS II, July 20,   through Baystar. We are pleased to bring
                                                                                Borealis’ proprietary Borstar technology to
       II announces its strategic                                               North America for the first time, allowing
                                                                                Baystar to produce enhanced polyethylene
       acquisition of Midland              DOWNSTREAM                           products for the most demanding
                                                                                applications,” said Borealis CEO, Thomas
       Basin assets                        Baystar announces the                Gangl.
                                                                                  “This is an important milestone for Baystar
       Lodestone Energy Partners II today   start-up of new ethane              as we become a fully integrated polyethylene
       announced it has acquired assets from                                    company. Our focus is on growing the
       Hibernia Resources III to be operated by BCP   cracker in Port Arthur,   polymers market in North America and
       Resources.                                                               leveraging the power of partnership with
         Lodestone Energy is a vertically integrated   Texas                    TotalEnergies and Borealis,” said Diane
       fund focused on opportunities in the                                     Chamberlain, Baystar president.
       conventional oil and gas space. These assets   Bayport Polymers, a 50/50 joint venture (JV)   BAYPORT POLYMERS, July 21, 2022
       are considered an ideal acquisition for the   between TotalEnergies and Borealis, today
       company due to an excellent financial profile   announces the start-up of a new ethane
       and top-tier performance in the Midland   cracker with an annual production capacity of   SERVICES
       Basin. The assets span Reagan and Upton   1mn tons of ethylene.
       Counties, Texas, with 85 conventional and 21   This almost $2bn project built on the site   Gravity signs two new
       legacy horizontal wellbores comprising over   of and operated by the TotalEnergies refinery
       2,000 mboe of net PDP reserves with 63%   in Port Arthur, Texas, represents 14mn hours   gathering and disposal
       liquids.                            worked with more than 2,500 workers at peak
         “The Hibernia assets are an excellent fit   construction.              agreements in the Bakken
       with our strategic objective to expand our   The ethylene produced by the cracker
       footprint of operated conventional assets in   will be used as feedstock to supply Baystar®’s   Gravity, a growth-oriented water and power
       the Permian Basin,” stated Barry Portman,   existing polyethylene (PE) units, as well as   infrastructure company backed by affiliates of
       Lodestone’s Managing Partner and BCP   a new Borstar technology polyethylene unit   Clearlake Capital Group, today announced it
       Resources CEO. “We’re privileged that   currently under construction in Bayport.  has signed two new produced water gathering
       Hibernia has placed their trust in us and   “After significant investments in US LNG   and disposal agreements backed by long term
       we’re thrilled to continue the high-quality   and renewable electricity in 2022, the start-  commitments in McKenzie County, North
       operation and expansion of these assets   up of this new cracker is another milestone   Dakota.
       alongside Hibernia as they continue their   strengthening TotalEnergies’ presence in the   To service the contracts, Gravity will
       growth strategy as a leading oil producer in   United States. This investment is in perfect   construct over 11 miles of new pipelines to
       the Midland Basin.”                 alignment with our strategy to develop   gather produced water from two of the largest
         The acquisition was funded by partners   petrochemicals at our integrated platforms.   operators in the Bakken. The new pipelines
       local to West Texas, combining private equity   At Port Arthur, we take advantage of the   will connect to Gravity’s existing disposal
       placement with a senior energy debt facility.   abundance of ethane in the US,” said Bernard   system in McKenzie County allowing for
       AggieTech Capital (ATC) based in Midland   Pinatel, president, refining and chemicals,   bilateral flow of produced water for reuse
       and Masked Rider Capital (MRC) based in   TotalEnergies.                 or disposal solutions. In conjunction with
       Lubbock anchored the equity placement and   “I am excited to see the start-up of this new   the new pipelines, Gravity is applying for
                                                                                new saltwater disposal permits near these
                                                                                fields that will provide optionality to expand
                                                                                capacity to over 100,000 barrels per day.
                                                                                  “We are very excited with these new
                                                                                agreements, which are expected to double
                                                                                our volumes in the Bakken within the next 12
                                                                                months and allow for us to organically expand
                                                                                our systems into strategic Tier 1 acreage
                                                                                growth areas that are in need of even more
                                                                                water midstream infrastructure to support
                                                                                future development,” stated Trace Hight,
                                                                                Gravity’s chief commercial officer of Water
                                                                                  Gravity now owns and manages more
                                                                                than 50 active saltwater disposal wells with
                                                                                more than 1.5mn barrels per day of permitted
                                                                                disposal capacity in the United States. With
                                                                                the addition of its cost-effective produced
                                                                                water reuse services, Gravity has provided

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