Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         no surprise that alternatives to the use of fossil  gas industry. This week, the government released
                         fuels are being explored. And nuclear power  a discussion paper outlining two options for
                         offers one such potential alternative.  such a cap. The first entails a cap-and-trade sys-
                           The Pathways Alliance, which represents the  tem that would set regulated limits on emissions
                         six leading oil sands producers that account for  from the industry. The second involves modify-
                         95% of output in the region between them, has  ing the carbon pricing benchmark requirements
                         formed a committee to formally explore the  for heavy emitters in order to create price-driven
                         potential to replace gas with nuclear power in  incentives to cut emissions to levels that corre-
                         oil sands operations. The group is pursuing a  spond to the cap.
                         reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions   The discussion paper comes at the start of a
                         from oil sands production of 22mn tonnes per  consultation period that will run until the end
                         year (tpy) by 2030, followed by net-zero GHG  of September 2022. After this, the government
                         emissions by 2050.                   said it expects to outline the design of the oil and
                           The alliance’s main proposals centre on the  gas emissions cap early next year.
                         development of carbon capture and storage   The industry’s concern is that the cap, once
                         (CCS) capacity in the oil sands, with the system  it has been finalised, could require oil sands
                         potentially delivering around 10mn tpy of emis-  producers to curtail output to force them to stay   The industry’s
                         sions and starting up by around 2030. But this  within a regulated limit by 2030. So far, Ottawa
                         alone will not be enough, and additional ways to  has not indicated what the ceiling on emissions   concern is that
                         cut emissions are also being considered.  could be. However, according to this week’s   the cap, once
                           As with carbon capture, the alliance can be  discussion paper, emissions must not increase
                         expected to call for government financial sup-  from current levels and a cap would have to   it has been
                         port and a favourable regulatory environment  account for targets set out in the government’s
                         for SMR development.                 Emissions Reduction Plan.            finalised, could
                           Indeed, the industry has previously con-  That plan calls for emissions of 110mn
                         sidered using nuclear power but rejected the  tonnes by 2030, equivalent to a 42% cut from   require oil sands
                         idea, largely owing to the high costs involved.  2019 levels of 191mn tonnes. The Pathways   producers to
                         However, this was prior to the adoption of net-  Alliance has warned that these targets could
                         zero emissions targets by producers and the  be unrealistic.               curtail output.
                         Canadian government alike. Net zero “changes   This will likely not be the last time the Liberal
                         everything”, non-profit advisory group the  government finds itself at odds with the oil and
                         Transition Accelerator’s president and CEO,  gas industry over the pace of decarbonisation
                         Dan Wicklum, was quoted by the Canadian  and what the process will look like. But while
                         Press as saying.                     the industry will push for more favourable
                                                              terms, it will likely have no choice but to step
                         What next?                           up emissions-cutting efforts. And the roll-out of
                         This is playing out as Ottawa moves closer to  commercial SMR technology, when it happens,
                         implementing an emissions cap on the oil and  seems well-placed to help with these efforts.™

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