Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                         “[At] the moment, everything is normal,” said   decline in global oil prices and energy demand.
                         Greta Alcantara, the director of institutional   In the first quarter of 2020 alone, it lost $23bn;
                         relations for Grupo Cemza. Marinsa de Mexico   on the other hand, it was already in a tight spot
                         is still “working hand-in-hand with Pemex,” she   before the advent of the Russian-Saudi oil price
                         declared.                            war and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                           Pemex is keen to reduce its expenses for a   demic. It was carrying a debt load of more than
                         variety of reasons: on the one hand, the company   $100bn, making it the most indebted oil com-
                         has suffered this year, owing to the precipitous   pany in the world. ™

                                                US VIRGIN ISL ANDS
       Re-opening of St. Croix refinery

       likely to be delayed again

                         THE government of the US Virgin Islands has   additional jobs at the refinery,” she said. “Those
                         indicated that the re-opening of the St. Croix oil   jobs at the refinery, however, are countered by
                         refinery is likely to be delayed once more.  the end of employment for a significant portion
                           Jenifer O’Neal, director of the Office of Man-  of the approximately 3,000 people involved with
                         agement and Budget (OMB), noted during a   its construction.”
                         meeting of the Senate’s Finance Committee ear-  O’Neal has said before that she was con-
                         lier this week that Freepoint Commodities and   cerned that the oil-processing plant might be
                         ArcLight Capital Partners, the plant, had origi-  adversely affected by fall-out from the corona-
                         nally planned to resume operations at the begin-  virus pandemic.
                         ning of 2020. The start date was then pushed   After USVI Governor Albert Bryan submit-
                         back to July 1 and may have to be postponed   ted his 2021 budget proposal to legislators in late
                         again to October 1 because of the coronavirus   May, she pointed out that cruise lines had long
                         (COVID-19) outbreak, she said.       been among the biggest buyers of fuel produced
                           “The pandemic might also delay the reopen-  by the St. Croix refinery. “The facility’s reliance
                         ing of the Limetree Bay oil refinery … following   on demand from cruise ships may also prove a
                         a $2bn overhaul,” O’Neal was quoted as saying   near-term vulnerability if the industry is unable
                         by the St. Thomas Source.            to quickly rebound following the pandemic,”
                           She did not say whether a definite decision   she was quoted as saying by the Virgin Islands
                         had been made on this front. As of press time,   Consortium.
                         neither Freepoint Commodities nor ArcLight   Freepoint and ArcLight began preparing for
                         Capital Partners had commented on the matter.  a partial restart of the St. Croix refinery after
                           The director went on to say that the refinery   securing a financing deal in late 2018. At the
                         had the potential to improve the islands’ econ-  time, they said, they intended to bring 200,000
                         omy. “Once it comes online, the renovated plant   bpd, or more than 57% of the plant’s 350,000 bpd
                         should provide economic diversification and   design capacity, back on stream in early 2020.

                                                The St. Croix refinery has a capacity of 350,000 bpd (Photo: Limetree Bay Ventures)

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2020
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