Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
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The plant was previously owned by Hovensa, a then declared bankruptcy in 2015 before agree-
joint venture set up by Hess (US) and PdVSA, ing to sell the facility to Freepoint and ArcLight.
the national oil company (NOC) of Venezuela. It has mostly been used as a storage and tran-
Hovensa shut the refinery down in 2012 and shipment facility since then.
AES, Tropigas affiliates team up to deliver
LNG by truck in Panama, Costa Rica
AFFILIATES of US-based AES and Tropigas of Guillermo de Roux, the general manager of
the Dominican Republic have teamed up to dis- Tropigas Natural, said the partners were keen
tribute LNG by truck in two Central American to make this cleaner-burning fuel more widely
countries. available in the region.
According to press reports from Panama “With this distribution agreement, we seek
City, Tropigas Natural, the Panamanian division to supply the growing need of the local and
of Tropigas, signed an agreement with Colon regional market to produce goods and services
LNG Marketing, a partnership between AES, through more environmentally friendly fuels
Total (France) and Panama-based Inversiones [and] also to generate business development
Bahía, on June 1. opportunities associated with this new fuel,” he
The agreement provides for the companies was quoted as saying in a company statement.
to work together to deliver LNG to buyers in Miguel Bolinaga, the president of AES Pan-
Panama and Costa Rica. It states that they will ama, added: “We are pleased with this important
use tanker trucks to distribute fuel to industrial LNG distribution agreement that will allow us,
and business consumers such as thermal power together with our new strategic partner, to make
plants (TPPs), manufacturing facilities, hotels, available to Panama and Costa Rica a new fuel
food and beverage suppliers and transport that will open new opportunities for the local
companies. and regional economy.”
The partners will source the LNG from AES
Colon, an AES subsidiary that has spent around
$1.15bn on the construction of a natural gas
complex on Telfers Island, near the Atlantic end
of the Panama Canal. The complex includes
an LNG regasification plant, a 180,000-cubic
metre gas storage tank, a terminal that can
transfer LNG to trucks for overland delivery, a
pier that can berth ships with storage capacities
of 3,000-160,000 cubic metres and a 381-MW
combined-cycle TPP.
Eventually, Tropigas Natural and Colon LNG
Marketing hope to expand the LNG distribution
scheme into other parts of Central America. AES Colon will provide LNG for distribution by truck (Photo: AES Panama)
Ecuador declares force majeure
after oil pipeline stoppage
ECUADOR declared force majeure on upstream Energy Ministry, shipments through the
exploration and production activities last week, Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System (SOTE)
after its main oil pipeline stopped operating. came to a halt because of soil erosion in the
According to the Latin American state’s Amazon region.
Week 23 11•June•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P13