Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
P. 17
MIDSTREAM is one of the most prolific exploration basins in PETROCHEMICALS
the world with a high potential for further dis-
Mirage Energy signs coveries in deepwater. TGS will continue to pri- Petrobras comments
oritise Brazil as it offers numerous world-class
deal with newly formed petroleum basins with some of the globe’s most on new naphtha
exciting oil and gas exploration opportunities.”
energy administration ble in August 2020 with final data expected in contracts with Braskem
Full volume fast track data will be availa-
of Puebla state for Q2-2021. Petrobras informs that it signed new long-term
TGS provides multi-client geoscience data to contracts for the supply of petrochemical naph-
development of pipelines oil and gas Exploration and Production compa- tha with Braskem for the units in the states of
nies worldwide. In addition to extensive global Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul.
Mirage Energy announces it has signed an agree- geophysical and geological data libraries that The contracts come into force after the cur-
ment with the Energy Agency of the state of include multi-client seismic data, magnetic rent contract closes in December 2020, and
Puebla to develop a pipeline infrastructure pro- and gravity data, digital well logs, production have a term of five years, with volumes varying
ject to deliver natural gas to the state and various data and directional surveys, TGS also offers between 650,000 and 3.5mn tonnes per year
industrial parks with in the state. This includes advanced processing and imaging services, at the price of 100% of the price of naphtha in
the delivery of 500mn BTU per day of natural interpretation products, and data integration Northwest Europe (ARA).
gas thru this pipeline project. Total estimates cost solutions. Petrobras, June 10 2020
for development of this project is expected to be TGS, June 09 2020
The first stage is a 46.60-mile (75-km) pipe- BW Offshore announces PERFORMANCE
line from the Pemex’s Compression Station at
San Martin to new Industrial Park at Izucar de contract extension with Argentina: Echo Energy
Matamoros Puebla.
This project will give a faster more economi- Petrobras for the Cidade announces reserve
cal way of delivering natural gas to the region of
Mexico with our pipeline network we should be de São Vicente and resource update
able to deliver natural gas at a 50% discount to
current prices. BW Offshore has received a notice from Petro- for Santa Cruz Sur
Also, we have signed a work agreement with bras extending the lease and operation agree-
the National Infrastructure Union. ment for the BW Cidade de São Vicente unit by Echo Energy, the Latin American focused
Mirage Energy, June 11 2020 120 days. With this, the contract will expire on upstream oil and gas company, has provided an
October 9, 2020. update in respect of Company’s internal esti-
BW Offshore has commenced planning for mates of reserves and resources attributable to
SERVICES demobilisation of the unit from the field and is Echo’s 70% non-operated working interest in
considering temporary lay up in Brazil. the producing Santa Cruz Sur blocks, onshore
TGS announces completion operation for Petrobras in 2009 and has been Echo has provided further detail on an identified
BW Cidade de São Vicente commenced Argentina, as at 31 December 2019. In addition,
of Santos basin multi-client utilised as a well test facility for the client on mul- well workover programme and other production
enhancement opportunities contained within
tiple locations offshore Brazil.
3D survey BW Offshore, June 07 2020 the Santa Cruz Sur portfolio.
TGS, a leading provider of multi-client geosci-
ence data for exploration and production (E&P)
companies, today announced the completion of
an additional phase of the Santos Basin 3D Mul-
ti-Client seismic survey in Brazil. The survey
is located south of the high-profile discoveries
in the Santos Basin and the recent sought-after
blocks offered in Rounds 15 and 16. The acqui-
sition of 17,500 square km of the 23,000 square
km is complete.
This multi-client 3D survey is just the latest of
several 3D and 2D surveys completed in Brazil.
TGS currently holds over 452,000 km in 2D mul-
ti-client data and approximately 72,500 square
km in 3D multi-client data in Brazil.
Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, said: “We
are pleased to have completed this survey acqui-
sition as it further strengthens our data library
and position in South America. The Santos Basin
Week 23 11•June•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P17