Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The rig completed the Clarinete 5 development  industry transitions to a more decarbonised and  a portfolio of premier Colombian oil assets that
       well, which has now been tied into permanent  digitised business over the next decades.  are under-exploited, under-explored and offer
       production. The Clarinete-5 well finished drill-  “We believe in open innovation and its power  high potential growth. The Company’s business
       ing in March 2020 and encountered 309 feet  for strengthening our digital ecosystem. For  plan is to expand oil production from some of
       (94.18 metres) true vertical depth of net gas  this reason, we seek alliances with companies  Colombia’s most active basins, including the
       pay within the primary Cienaga de Oro (CDO)  and organisations in Colombia and all over the  Llanos, Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) and
       sandstone reservoir, which represents the thick-  world. Today we have challenges that require  Putumayo Basin.
       est gas pay section of any well drilled in the  clever ideas and innovative solutions. This alli-  The asset base is predominantly operated
       history of Canacol. The CDO reservoir was per-  ance with Plug and Play represents the possibil-  with high working interests, and the Brent-
       forated between 8,430-8,631 feet (2,569-2,631  ity of expanding our options to reach the best  linked light oil pricing exposure combines with
       metres) measured depth and tested at a final  developments,” said Felipe Bayón, Ecopetrol’s  low royalties to yield attractive potential oper-
       rate of 43mcf per day with a tubing head flowing  President.             ating margins. Arrow’s seasoned team is led by
       pressure of 1,850 psi and a final choke of 0.8 inch   “We are incredibly thrilled to be able to part-  a hands-on and in-country executive team sup-
       over a test period of 8 hours.      ner with Ecopetrol in their digital transforma-  ported by an experienced board.
         The rig is currently being mobilised to the  tion journey. Latin America is a great place for   Arrow Exploration, June 09 2020
       Pandereta 8 development location, with antici-  growing and developing disruptive technologies.
       pated spud in the third week of June 2020. The  This partnership is creating effective channels for
       Pandereta 8 well is anticipated to take approxi-  startups around the world to collaborate with  INVESTMENT
       mately five weeks to drill and complete.  Ecopetrol and have access to industry expertise
         Canacol is an exploration and production  in the region,” said Wade Bitaraf, Founder of the   Petrobras on stakes
       company with operations focused in Colombia.  Energy platform at Plug and Play.
       Canacol, June 03 2020                  This commitment to open innovation is part   in power generation
                                           of Ecopetrol’s innovation and technology strat-
                                           egy, which seeks to create value by strengthen-  companies
       COMPANIES                           ing its digital ecosystem through alliances with
                                           entrepreneurship centers in Colombia and the  A Petrobras informs that it has started the oppor-
       Ecopetrol taps power                around world.                        tunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding the
                                              Through this partnership, Ecopetrol will  sale of its stakes in five power generation compa-
       of global innovation                have the opportunity to work one-on-one with  nies: Brasympe Energia (Brasympe), Energética
                                                                                Suape II (Suape II), Termoelétrica Potiguar
                                           hand-selected startups to discover and imple-
       during time of crisis               ment new technologies for their business.  (TEP), Companhia Energética Manauara
                                              Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colom-
                                                                                (CEM) and Brentech Energia (Brentech).
       Plug and Play and Ecopetrol signed a partner-  bia; it is a comprehensive oil chain company, one   The teaser, which contain key information
       ship to help address future challenges within the  of the 40 largest oil companies in the world, and  about the assets, as well as the eligibility criteria
       energy industry, focusing on sustainability, prof-  one of the top four in Latin America. In addi-  for selection of potential participants, are avail-
       itable growth, and digitisation of its value chain.  tion to Colombia, where it generates more than  able on the Petrobras website. The main subse-
         Plug and Play is a global innovation platform.  60% of domestic production, it has exploration  quent stages of the sales process will be informed
       It connects startups to corporations and invests  and production activities in Brazil, Peru and the  in due course to the market.
       in over 250 companies every year. Since its incep-  United States (Gulf of Mexico). Ecopetrol owns   Petrobras owns 20% of Brasympe, which in
       tion in 2016, their programmes have expanded  the largest refinery in Colombia, most of the  turn owns 60% of Termocabo, which owns a fuel
       worldwide to over 30 locations globally, giving  country’s oil and pipeline network and is signif-  oil-fired thermoelectric plant located in Pernam-
       startups the necessary resources to succeed in  icantly increasing its participation in the biofuel  buco, with an installed capacity of 49.7 MW.
       Silicon Valley and beyond.          sector.                                Petrobras owns 20% of Suape II, which owns
         Today the Colombian company announced   Plug and Play, June 10 2020    a fuel oil-fired thermoelectric plant located in
       its partnership with Plug and Play to continue                           Pernambuco, with an installed capacity of 381.25
       fostering its history of innovation as the energy                        MW.
                                           FINANCE                                Petrobras holds 20% of TEP, which is a hold-
                                                                                ing company with a 60% stake in Companhia
                                           Arrow Exploration says no            Energética Manauara (CEM) and 70% in Areia
                                                                                Energia and Água Limpa Energia, owners of
                                           material change driving              small hydroelectric plants, located in Tocantins,
                                                                                with installed capacity of 11.4 MW and 14 MW
                                           higher trading volumes               respectively.
                                                                                  Petrobras holds 40% of the CEM, which has
                                           At the request of IIROC, Arrow Exploration  a bi-fuel (diesel and natural gas) thermoelectric
                                           wishes to confirm that the Company’s manage-  plant located in Amazonas with 85.4 MW of
                                           ment is unaware of any material change in the  installed capacity.
                                           Company’s operations that would account for   Petrobras owns 30% of the Brentech, owner
                                           the recent increase in market activity.  of the Usina Termelétrica Goiânia II diesel-pow-
                                              Arrow Exploration, operating in Colombia  ered, located in Goiás, with an installed capacity
                                           via a branch of its 100% owned subsidiary Car-  of 140.3 MW.
                                           rao Energy, is a publicly-traded company with   Petrobras, June 05 2020

       Week 23   11•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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