Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       From November 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019,                             actions taken during the crisis to return produc-
       a total of 152,819 boe (consisting of 34,466 bar-                        tion to the Exploration and Production area and
       rels of oil and 710.1mn cubic feet of gas) net to                        to readjust refining loads by focusing on prod-
       Echo was successfully produced from Santa                                ucts that maximise the company’s margin with-
       Cruz Sur, at an average rate of a net 2,505 boepd.                       out putting pressure on inventories.
       Production continued during Q1-2020 at an                                Petrobras, June 05 2020
       average net rate of 2,394 boepd.
         The Company is pleased to confirm the                                  Canacol Energy provides
       identification of an initial portfolio of 16 low
       cost workover and intervention operations at                             May gas sales update
       Santa Cruz Sur focussed on 1P proven devel-
       oped non-producing (PDNP) and 2P reserve                                 Canacol Energy is pleased to provide the fol-
       intervals, with the intention of bringing those                          lowing gas sales and operations update. The gas
       volumes into production and, therefore, migrat-                          sales should be read in conjunction with the
       ing the associated volumes to proven developed                           Corporation’s outlook section contained in its
       producing (PDP) reserves. The cost of workover  potential assumes a realised sales price of US  first quarter press release and MD&A released
       potentials identified is low, as compared to the  $32 per barrel and a gas price of $3.5 per million  on May 13, 2020.
       cost of a new well, and given that the workovers  BTU. The remaining twelve opportunities in the   Current indications, as evidenced by the lat-
       sit in the developed part of the field, they are  initial portfolio could each be capable of increas-  ter half of May, shows earlier than anticipated
       straightforward to bring online.    ing gross production by up to 600,000 cubic feet  interruptible demand returning to Canacol’s gas
         This initial portfolio of opportunities is part  per day and 91 bpd. The Company continues  deliveries and nominations as economic activity
       of a wider portfolio of Santa Cruz Sur work-  efforts to identify and mature further produc-  recommenced following general quarantine.
       over and interventions, which includes fur-  tion enhancement opportunities over and above   The national quarantine on all economic
       ther opportunities to increase production and  the 16 already assessed to provide further growth  activities was lifted effective June 1, with the
       reserves, currently being assessed by the Santa  and value to shareholders.  exception of the cities of Bogota, Cali, and
       Cruz Sur partners.                     CEO Martin Hull commented: “The addition  Cartagena, where only manufacturing and con-
         The Company previously announced that  of the important work in maturing the produc-  struction activities are currently allowed. It is
       the Eagle workover rig, owned by Echo and its  tion enhancement opportunities reconfirms the  anticipated that quarantine will be lifted in those
       partners in the Santa Cruz Sur assets, had been  flexibility and range of well-balanced risk-re-  cities on June 15.
       redeployed from Campo Limite to commence a  ward upside options contained within the Santa   Realised contractual gas sales: May 1-14,
       standard programme of well interventions and  Cruz Sur portfolio. In addition to the existing  130mn cubic feet (3.68mn cubic metres) per day;
       maintenance and that the first well intervention  revenue generating producing proved reserves,  May 15-31, 181mcf (5.126 mcm) per day, May
       being undertaken, in the Chorillos block, was  the combination of PDNP 1P and 2P production  monthly average 158mcf (4.474 mcm) per day,
       assessing the production potential of bringing  enhancement opportunities with exploration  April monthly average, 136 mcf (3.851 mcm)
       a historical well back online in a small field at  upside provides a diversified portfolio in a single  per day.
       Santa Cruz Sur. The Company confirmed that  set of assets at Santa Cruz Sur.”  In addition to the realised contractual gas
       the expected new production potential of the   Echo Energy, June 08 2020  sales above (which are essentially gas produced,
       currently non-producing well was estimated at                            delivered and paid for) the Corporation saw an
       41 bpd when brought into production, follow-  Petrobras reports record   additional 12 mcf (340,000 cubic metres) per day
       ing a swab test that produced a cumulative 280                           of gas sales nominations throughout the entire
       barrels of oil over 48-hour period. This success-  high fuel oil exports in May  month of May (also similar to April’s 14 mcf
       ful workover operation earlier this year provides                        per day, or 396,000 cubic metres per day) which
       confidence in pursuing further opportunities in  Petrobras reports that it exported 1.11mn tonnes  must be paid for during the remainder of 2020
       the workover portfolio to increase production.  of fuel oil in May, surpassing the previous record  for which delivery timing is at the discretion of
         Echo is now pleased to confirm that in addi-  set in February 2020 by 10%. The amount of fuel  the off-taker, as outlined in the May 13, 2020
       tion to the successful operation described above,  oil exported was 231% higher than the volume  press release.
       an initial portfolio of 16 workovers, focused on  exported in May of last year.  With current hydroelectric reservoirs at a
       seeking to bring PDNP & 2P reserves intervals   It is important to highlight that, on January  historical low 33% related to an unusually dry
       into production, has now been matured. Of this  1, 2020, the new global specification for marine  winter, the demand for gas in the use of thermo-
       portfolio of potential projects, four initial oppor-  fuels (IMO 2020) came into force, which reduced  electric power plants remains high and above
       tunities (consisting of three well workovers to  the limit of the sulphur content in fuel oil from  historic averages. Low reservoir conditions are
       bring associated PDNP 1P reserves into pro-  3.5% to 0.5%, which has generated a unique  anticipated to last throughout the remainder of
       duction and one project targeting 2P reserves)  opportunity for Petrobras, which produces  the year.
       are estimated to be capable of adding expected  crude oil and fuel oil with low sulphur content.  While we are currently experiencing encour-
       combined additional production of up to 4.8   The record in exports occurs in a challeng-  aging trends as interruptible volumes begin to
       mcf per day of gas and 84 bpd (total combined  ing period of the world economy with reduced  normalise, the company cautions that future nat-
       additional production potential of 884 boepd).  global demand for oil and oil products caused  ural gas demands could be volatile and maintain
       These 4 initial opportunities offer a combined  by the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy of  that the guidance range in place continues to be
       estimated value of approximately $9mn in  diversifying the destinations of fuel oil exports  appropriate.
       NPV10 uplift based on an aggregate gross cost  has proved effective in capturing greater partici-  The Pioneer 53 drilling rig was reactivated on
       of approximately $1mn and fast payback peri-  pation in the foreign market.  May 24, 2020, having been inactive since March
       ods of between two to six months. This uplift   The record achieved reflects the result of  26, 2020, due to the national quarantine.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2020
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